Is that right? Did you really say that?



  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    LOL @Bon Bon that makes me laugh    ;) poor toddler   NOT 

  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    It has been two years since diagnosis and treatment and finally my chemo brain is getting a little better and I am remembering a few things that happened.
    One was my childhood neighbor invited me to her place with her hubby for an afternoon tea just after I was diagnosed, probably to try and cheer me up.
    They like to try and outdo each other this couple by remembering and telling jokes.
    This day they chose boob jokes. I think after about the 3rd or 4th joke they gave up but really didn't realize what the hell they were saying.
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  • smokie08
    smokie08 Member Posts: 157
    Talking to a friend on the phone  when on chemo  she said  "you sound alright " was i supposed to sound different on chemo?  
  • Imo
    Imo Member Posts: 25
    I'm a radiation safety adviser at a mine.  My favourite so far has been the suggestion that I should look into worker's compensation due to my breast cancer.  After years in the field of mine radiation safety I know most people have a limited understanding of the risks of low dose radiation so I patiently explained that there is no credible scientific evidence to link the extremely low levels of radiation that I received at work to cancer. Nope, advise from an experienced radiation safety adviser fell on deaf ears. She was still insistent that I look into workers comp.  

    Again - she meant well.  They all do.  But bloody hell! I didn't know whether to laugh or scream.