Anyone in to kayaking?

Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
edited February 2018 in Health and wellbeing
Just bought my very own Dragon fishing kayak. I am not sure if I will be game enough to fish yet but I do like paddling. I over did it on the first day and spent the next day in bed lol. I am determined though and will hopefully have it in the ocean again this afternoon.
My big 25 year old son who is grossly over weight (about 180kg) has taken to coming with me and wades in the shallow water giving me a push start every so often. I finally got him off his computer. It is fantastic exercise for him although he got a bit sunburned. I ordered him a fancy squid pattern long sleeved 9xl shirt so he doesn't need so much sunscreen. I got myself a fishing shirt too with a Barramundi on it. Gee its a cool to wear shirt even though it is long sleeve. I also got the fingerless gloves from the cancer council to protect my hands from the sun as for some reason on Tamoxifen I cannot tolerate sun on my skin.


  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Not quite as game ... yet but well done you!
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    We'll done, you! I can't wait to be allowed to get in the water again and be able to kayak. I' m hoping my family feels sorry enough for me to let me get a stand-up paddleboard. Not sure it's going to happen, though.
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    Ladies this might really interest you 

    Dragon boating is great for those who have had bc to help rebuild muscles in arms etc..... 
    There are clubs throughout the world... 

    some are just Dragon Boating and have male and female members thought this conversation was a good time to remind people about it.

  • Glemmis
    Glemmis Member Posts: 344
    I started dragon boat racing 7 weeks ago & although it was very hard at first & I was quite fit it is now really enjoyable. I am with Dragons Abreast, mostly female but with a few males along for support. People without breast cancer can join too as supporters. The organization is very supportive of newbies to the sport & you can pull your paddle in any time for a rest & let everyone else do the hard work LOL!
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    I am impressed but this is something I should never do. My one flirtation with kayaking (in New Zealand where mercifully no-one knew me) was moderately disastrous as I nearly rammed a boat and had to yell at them to get out of my way as steering was not possible. They were kind enough to laugh instead of swearing at me. Which would have been quite justified. Good luck ladies, but count me out.
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hee hee - as I have a fear of water (4 inches up my ankles and I am out of there) I won't be joining you in your new pursuit.
    @Brenda5 we look forward to a photo of you in action.
    Me ?  Just gym style arm exercises.
  • HIT
    HIT Member Posts: 261
    Oh beautiful Brenda5, I love canoeing, but must admit my style is more a "stroll", very leisurely.  I get in off a pontoon and having lots of difficulty actually getting in the canoe - why oh why do I feel so unstable with my useless feet??  I have done the boaty splits a few times (0ne foot in canoe, one on pontoon as the two decide to part ways...  at least I get out easily (usually just roll over and swim to ladder)  Pam
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    The kids helped me get into one of those streamlined ones a couple of years ago
     I got in and the whole thing promptly rolled over the other way.
  • Crusty
    Crusty Member Posts: 28
    I would love to try kayaking seeing as i live on an island and we'd planned on buying some but ended up with a boat instead (it came with a house we bought) now we gotta figure how to use the boat, 
  • MKitty68
    MKitty68 Member Posts: 261
    @Brenda5, baby steps, you will get there... just take it at your own pace, you're getting out there enjoying the fresh air, water & sunshine, and most of all having a bit of fun, that's what's important! 

  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    I bought my kayak a couple of years before my diagnosis. It's a sit-in kayak, not a sit on. I haven't paddled since diagnosis. The first summer I was going through radiotherapy. By the next summer I had developed tenosynovitis in my wrists and was advised against it. Shortly before this summer, I started having problems with my shoulder. I also struggled to get out of the bath, so figured that getting out of my kayak would be even harder. I am thinking about an inexpensive sit-on, as i really miss paddling, not so much from an exercise perspective as from a mental health perspective.  
    Take it slowly, to start with @Brenda5, it's well worth it in the end.
    As a casual paddler, I don't paddle in winter - Canberra gets a bit chilly. If any of you are interested, check out the Kayakcameraman on facebook. He started paddling after treatment for testicular cancer, and takes the most amazing photos from his kayak.
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    https//  @Irb_03 you might be able to do dragon boating while you get well enough to do your kayaking again ..... 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Hi @Brenda5 - congrats on finding kayak/kayak fishing.  It is one of my passions and I love it.  I've been doing it for well over 10 years now .... but newly diagnosed with breast cancer now - so have been doing as much as I can in the lead up to surgery & treatment which I hope will be soon. It will definitely be part of my therapy after I am able to get back onto the water!    :)
    DEFINITELY - take it slowly & always wear a life jacket and cover up from the sun.  Get help loading & unloading the kayak.
    I was at Burrum Heads back in 2009 - launching at the boat ramp near the camp ground - I had a lovely time but didn't catch many fish!  LOL  I don't often go offshore as my kayak is only about 3m/9ft and they bounce around like corks - but if it is dead calm, it is fine!  
    Maybe try the creek the next time.  Just make sure you stick to the edges (the current is too strong out in the middle) and maybe time it for the change of tides or NOT when the BIG tides are running (Full Moon.)
    Offshore kayaks are usually a minimum of 4m+ - they slice thru the waves/chop, not so the short ones!  
    I would recommend that you join a kayak fishing forum (ike the one I am on), so that you can head out with others who know the area well - the camaraderie is wonderful.  
    One day I'll get back to Burrum Heads & we can go out together!  :smiley: