Perth system

Tm Member Posts: 10
Hello  I'm wondering about the public system in Perth. A friends sister was diagnosed with Stage 3 last Friday and is waiting to hear today from the hospital for an appointment.  Does this sound right? Can anyone tell me how this should happen and timeframes? thanks  Tess  - 

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  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Ask the friend to ring the hospital and follow up the referral. Usually you aren't given the stage until you see the breast surgeon and have the workup and surgery, unless she has and waiting for oncology appt. Then a week is not too excessive but still worthy of follow up. Kath x
  • Jenny66
    Jenny66 Member Posts: 34
    I went to FSH and they were wonderful xx
  • RubyRumble
    RubyRumble Member Posts: 39
    I have just spent the last 3 month within the public system at Royal Perth & have found them wonderful. She can call the Breast Nurses and they will follow up for you. They have got it down to a fine art with appointments. I had my oncologist appointment last week, blood tests done on the same day, scans scheduled and treatment schedule for the next month. I found everything under the same roof except for plastics with was around the corner, but easy to do. I just get off the train, grab myself a coffee and head to were I need to be. They alway send out a confirmation letter followed by a day before text confirming your appointment. I hope that helps.
  • Ladii Tata
    Ladii Tata Member Posts: 2
    Hi there TM
    It was every week when I would hear of my next appt. So yes it sounds about right. It was 4wks from diagnosis to start of treatment for me @ RPH through the public system.
  • Leapfrog
    Leapfrog Member Posts: 13
    I go to Fiona Stanley Cancer Centre.  The doctors there are wonderful and I'm glad I was directed there.  I used to prefer to be a private patient for any medical problems but I wouldn't even consider going private for breast cancer.  About a week to wait for your appointment letter sounds right to me.  Don't forget the mail system in Perth is slow these days as well so that could be a consideration.  If your friend is still concerned by next week, she should give them a call.
  • RubyRumble
    RubyRumble Member Posts: 39
    Sorry forgot to mention that They also follow up with a text the day before, for RPH.
  • Mollynna
    Mollynna Member Posts: 3
    Hi.  I was doing my chemo treatment at SJOG Murdoch.  All good. Nurses were great.  I went to FSH for radiotherapy and the staff were excellent. 

    All the best.
  • Gemini19
    Gemini19 Member Posts: 2
    I had a lumpectomy in June at Murdoch SJOG as a private patient and saw my oncologist as a private patient initially in his rooms at SJOG. Then I completed a 4 week course of radiation as a public patient under the same Oncologist at the Genesis Centre at FSH. Everyone at both hospitals was wonderful! Service and staff at both could not be faulted.
  • Beryl C.
    Beryl C. Member Posts: 270
    I have been a public patient for six years of ongoing treatment. I have infusions at FSH every three weeks, heart scans, CT scans, appointments with oncologist, surgery in 2011 and 2016 and throughout I have only had to pay for parking. I agree, staff are wonderful.
  • Rachie78
    Rachie78 Member Posts: 1
    I was diagnosed very late August, had lumpectomy and lymph nodes removed within two weeks and infuser port in
  • Shorelle
    Shorelle Member Posts: 80
    Dr Corrin Jones at SJOG subi is awesome. I was diagnosed on the Monday morning. I managed to see her Monday afternoon and she operated on my Wednesday morning!  I was extremely distressed having panic attacks and she could see that and there was no messing around. I had private health insurance. Stage 2a no lymph node involvement. Then referred to Dr Tim Clay who is in room next door for Chemo (tumors over 2cm warrant chemo) started chemo 2 weeks after lumpectomy. I decided no radiation so opted for bi lateral mastectomy and reconstruction. Dr Jones did mastectomy and plastic surgeon Dr Anthony Williams also at same hospital.  My nightmare started 28th May and Im now 4 weeks post reconstruction.  Im going to be about 5k out of pocket BUT I was attended to so fast. There is no way I could have waited for the surgery for a month. 

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