Nail polish is okay. Fake nails will rip your natural nails off if they catch on anything. Your nails will not be strong enough to take the stress. Don’t know about builder gel. Gaviscon is fine. Make sure you have panadol and also an antihistamine is a good idea as for some people it counteracts the side effects. After the first round of chemo is done and dusted, you will have a good idea what extra drugs to ask your team for. The thing to remember, is that it is doable. You will have bad days but you will also have good days. Get out and enjoy some fresh air but not too much sun. My team recommended fifteen minutes of summer sun per day for vitamin D and my vit D levels were never low. Plus, the fresh air will make you feel better. Keep up your water intake. I found adding ice helped. Frappes were and are my friend. Short walks when you can and when you can’t, snuggle up instead. The time will go fast once it starts.2
Hi @Number2 some great tips there from @Blossom1961 and @iserbrown
🌺🌻🌸🌷Nails: I think the medical term prefers you to wear something that isn’t too hard to remove. My surgeon required nail polish off for my lumpectomy. I had the chalkiness, splitting and discolouration but also, one of them became infected* (fairly late into the 6 cycles) so think about polish that’s kind on the nails and easy to remove. *My GP prescribed antibiotics to fight the infection.
I agree with @Blossom1961 and encourage you to feel confident about asking your medical team if you’re not feeling too good after treatment.On the couple of times I needed to, the nurses were very kind and responsive and constantly assured me they would prefer we erred on the side of caution and called them, or that we present to emergency if it’s after hours, to be on the safe side.Here’s some suggestions, in line with @Blossom1961 ”be prepared” I received a care basket from my lovely niece with a few of these items in it …
Biotene (you may get mouth ulcers)
soft bamboo tooth brush
sensitive toothpaste
Canesten cream (thrush under the breast was an issue for me)
box of Mylanta [the nurses and doctor will dispense the anti nausea prescription “big guns” immediately before and after chemo],
Hydralyte or Gastralyte
Movicol (some people experience constipation whereas I was the opposite)
Moo Goo moisturiser
Hylo Forte eyedrops
Tissues or hankies (I never knew what a great job nose hair does until mine went MIA during chemo 😃)
Facemasks (it’s advisable to avoid big crowds during the first 6 doses but if you have to be out and about you might be more assured masking up)
A notebook to keep a record of how you’re feeling and the information you’re given.4 -
There has been previous discussion on nail polish. If you use the search bar above or Google
Main consensus is black nail polish or cotton gloves.1 -
Well I’ve survived the first session!😃 What a long day , 8:30 am - 6pm.😳 Didn't get the portacath put in in time so was done via cannula. 😢 got quite painful by the time I was having the Chemo put in, but the nurse gave me a heat pack to put under my arm and on top but above the entry site and that helped a lot. Have woken up with a headache and a bit of loose bowels but not diarrhoea thankfully. Very glad I didn’t have any reactions yesterday during treatment , so win win . Family arrive today for xmas 😍😁😁😁. Hope everyone is having a good start to their xmas eve. 🎄6
Hear, hear to @Tri regarding the stalwart work of nose hair! Having gradually developed hay fever post treatment, I think back to those halcyon days of trouble free nostrils with affection! First of all the drippings, then (with paclitaxel) the bloodiness, finally all clear then hay fever! If the nose gets blocked and crusty, nose oil (from the chemist) can help!1
Happy Boxing day to all, hope you got some joy out of xmas as best you could.
I’m looking for advice on drinks. Specifically smoothies.
3 days post 1st treatment and I’m struggling with nausea, trying to keep fluids up but nothing is tasting nice but I do enjoy icey cold. So pleaaaase hit me with your best icey smoothie fruity whatever recipes……..and go0 -
Hi there, er/pr+ her -, but thought Id say hello. You are welcome to check back on what I posted along my treatment this year (diagnosis dec 22/12/23). Its taken a year to get to spacing out of appointments. If you have travel plans, discuss them with medical team - I managed to sneak in some booked stuff rather than cancel (a small 5 day cruise before surgery) and during chemo I had a rest week from treatment (had a competition in auckland 6 days I made it to... travelling from Adelaide), I was very determined, but only really could decide a few days before for sure with oncologist okaying it,...and I had good support on trip watching out for me) . You have to feel up to it, and adapt to any medical but it is possible. All the best xx0
Is there any way of telling the difference between Chemo side effect diarrhoea and a gut infection? Trying to be patient with this but I’m getting washed out ! On my 6th gastro stop for today ! Bloated like a hot air balloon….., over it 😟2
I am So sorry you are having continued gut/diarrhoea issues, @Number2 xx (Interesting name, by the way!
Apologies, if I sound flippant!) xx
If you are having really nasty diarrhoea issues, you may become dehydrated and that is not good. It needs to be addressed asap. Keep up your fluids & taking stuff like Gatorade, to keep your electrolytes up too xx
IF you feel really crook tomorrow/Sun, I would suggest that you present to your closest hospital emergency ward, explaining your chemo regime & gut issues. They should run blood/gut/poo tests, to see what is causing it.
My husband had a particularly nasty bug during his chemo that ended up being septicemia - he ended up in a serious condition in hospital, needing a special regime of antibiotics to 'beat it'.
If you don't feel 'too crook' tomorrow, continue with the Gastrostop (usually take it after every loose motion) .... then contact your chemo ward first thing on Monday & let them know of the continuing attacks and ask for specific tests to help identify the culprit.
take care xx0 -
Lol @arpie , at the time the name was because its the 2nd time the big C has played a part in my life. In Nov 2023 I was diagnosed with Atypical polyploid adenomyoma which appeared to be morphing into endometrioid endometrial carcinoma and as such resulted in a total hysterectomy in jan 2024. So yeh number 2 is about the big C’s second crack at me. Lol yes crack. And now here we are with the doodoo number 2 being a problem.
I have spoken to my gp who advised to just take the gastrostop as needed as it’s all part of the side effects. Well thats all well and good but there has to be a length of time that it becomes a “get it checked” situation. If I can be frank, to me its not what I would have called diarrhoea because its not watery but a call to local oncology ward the other day informed me that “ chocolate mousse poo that burns like chilli” as I described it , is in fact the chemo diarrhoea. But seriously how are you supposed to get through the day when you are running to the loo and popping pills……not game enough to leave the house? I am concerned as I am meant to have my portacath inserted on wednesday and I don’t see how I can in the present state. I’m keeping up with the fluids no probs to that area. I don’t want to take up space and drs time at ED if its just a case of getting samples and bloods etc then surely I can do that via gp? Is it possible to just call the ED and ask them? I notice that there is a lot of reference on bcna to people talking to their “medical team” for advice. Who exactly are they referring to? I hope you don’t say my breast care nurse because well as nice as she is well shes a casper. I was told by the nurse at breast screen that I would be allocated a breast care nurse who would support me through my journey, who would attend all my appointments with me and spend time with me afterwards to make sure that I understand what had been discussed. Hmm well she was present at meetings but took off quick sticks afterwards. I was trying to contact her but she went away and didn’t tell me. I have the office number to call her during office hours or an email, so if anything is out of business hours then too bad. She then informed me she would not be here for my first round of treatment but another bcn would be there……..nope noone came.2 -
I am SO glad you can laugh about the 'name' association, @Number2
The 'medical team' we refer to is usually the Surgeon, Rad Onc and Medical Onc ..... so if you can contact your Medical Onc on Monday (who is in charge of your chemo regime) and explain just how badly it is affecting you - you may be able to get the dose adjusted .... or maybe increase the dose of gastrostop (or try a different one?)
I didn't have a BC Nurse either 'as such' ... so never relied on one. You really need to advocate for yourself ... and that is why, I reckon you should contact your Onc on Monday xx
I hope you can get on top of the gastro xx0 -
Hi @Number2
I’m sorry to hear about your diarrhoea ❤️ I was strongly encouraged by the oncology nurses on the day ward to attend emergency if I had concerns, especially if my temp went above 37.With your symptoms ongoing I would agree with @arpie 🙃
I did have to go into ED (after one of my doses) with a temperature, diarrhoea, thrush and dehydration on a a Saturday night. ED ran all the tests and because I was dehydrated they admitted me overnight, but I was otherwise fine. I remember the oncology nurses assuring me it was better to come in and not to be too reliant on Gastro Stop, because it could be masking other issues.
The nurses also explained that some people found the anti nausea drugs I was prescribed could cause a bit of diarrhoea so I was careful with those.I also realised I might not have been starting Gastro Stop properly- that is 2 Gastro Stop tablets at the first signs on diarrhoea and then 1 thereafter at the recommended intervals.I’m sorry you don’t have a breast care nurse you can call 😔
Hope your tummy settles soon 🌸 I was on toast, peanut butter and banana and dry biscuits during this phase.1 -
Thanks @Tri and @arpie, How long was your phase of gastro? I have a gp appt monday morning, getting a new gp, and a “ how did u treatment effect you” follow up phone appt with my onco on monday afternoon so was hoping not to have to ED tomorrow but will see what the day brings.I have watched my temp and no rise as yet.Day 5 after treatment I felt so crook and washed out I thought I was dehydrated, I was struggling to drink and eat enough that I got hubby to call ambo and encountered my first trip to ED as my temp did spike. Now don’t get me wrong I’m grateful that we weren't “ramped” and i was triaged quickly but the absolute lack of privacy when you are laying on a mini slab for 3 hrs with the curtain at the foot of your bed wide open so that everyone is looking at you and the drunks are staggering past while you wait for blood results and a chest xray. The multitude of coughs flying around the room…….oh but there was some type of portable air purifier parked next to my bed,I was given a half bag of fluid, iv maxalon and iv antibiotics. Apparently I have to have bloods, urine, xray and be seen by medical dr before they are allowed to get an onco dr to see me. Anyway was seen and told its just your reaction to chemo, your not dehydrated and you don’t have a temp , you don’t have diarrhoea (at that point) and the guy palpated my gut that hard I nearly flew off the bed, bloods are fine so here have a sandwich and then go home. And yep even though you are fatigued here let me point you in the direction that you have to walk your own ass out seeya! Thankfully I have a loving hubby who was happy to walk the long slow walk with me…………what happened to wheelchairs out of hospital to the pick up spot?… I’m obviously out of touch.Not too keen to go through that again unless it’s absolutely necessary.1
Hi @Number2 my diarrhoea took about 3-4 days to settle. I didn’t experience it so intensely with the first dose but it’s possibly because I didn’t (for a variety of reasons) take any Maxollon after the first treatment. Maxollon is the anti nausea medication that the nurses cautioned can sometimes contribute to a runny tummy. After my second treatment I had it but the nurse on the ward mentioned it’s side effects can be balanced out with Ondansetron (the other anti nausea drug) as it can have the opposite side effect, and so counteracts the runny tummy.In the next few chemo rounds I reduced how frequently I took these anti nausea drugs.I hear your reservations - a supportive partner comes into their own! We are very fortunate with our facilities in my regional city but it is worth considering the risk of encountering other possible sources of infection when you’re immuno suppressed, so yes there’s a quandary if you need to go in and if you do, best to mask up. Sending you lots of positive vibes, and hopes for a firmer 🙃better day ahead ❤️🌸🌻0