All the tests to update new diagnosis



  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,318
    Hi @Nicky123
    I recall it took about 2 weeks for my pathology results to come back after my mastectomy and my breast cancer surgeon scheduled the consultation shortly after that.
    The pathology results will determine what further treatment is suggested ( chemo , radiotherapy, hormone therapy or other targeted therapy ).
    Best of luck .
  • Nicky123
    Nicky123 Member Posts: 28
    Thanks so much @Julez1958. I’ll definitely update here and appreciate your insight. 

    Just made an appointment for a baseline SOZO the week before the surgery, too. It’s a complimentary service - so thought it was a good idea (including from others here).

    Thanks again for sharing your experience with me. 🌸
  • Nicky123
    Nicky123 Member Posts: 28
    Wish me luck - off I go tomorrow for part a - dye and mammogram then Wednesday part B for lumpectomies (both sides), hookwire right and sentinel node left. 
    Thanks to you all for your support so far. I’ll update when done and home.
    Nicky 🌸 
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,529
    Best wishes to you @Nicky123.
  • Nicky123
    Nicky123 Member Posts: 28
    edited March 2023
    Thanks so much @Cath62. I came home at lunchtime today and am doing ok. 

    I have pain meds and the incisions on both sides are about 4-5cm long, horizontal. 

    Of course - this was about removing the cancer on each side and I’d been trying not to focus on worry about the aesthetics. 

    Once I got home and showered again, I had a better look and am really relieved with the result 

    Pathology back in a week - I’ll see the surgeon next Thursday PM after the MDT has met to discuss. Hopefully margins are good and not more surgery - I know I’m in for radiotherapy, without the details yet. 

    The nurses and doctors at the Mater were axing - including the breast care nurse. I feel very well supported. 

    I’ll update here re the pathology next week.

    hope you’re all doing ok this week,

    Nicky 🌸
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Great that you are happy with the result so far, @Nicky123 …. Make haste slowly over the next few days - the anaesthetic can make you a bit sleepy, or even sick sometimes! 

    Keep the pain meds up at the regular 4hr intervals, so that the pain doesn’t break thru …. All the best for your pathology results xx

    take care
  • Nicky123
    Nicky123 Member Posts: 28
    Thanks so much @arpie - I’m keeping up the meds regime and will be taking it easy. I have 2 weeks off and going back to work after Easter. 

    Thank you for your well wishes for pathology. I’m trying to be realistic and also know the results may not be what I’m ‘expecting.’ 

    Nicky 🌸
  • Nicky123
    Nicky123 Member Posts: 28
    edited April 2023
    Hi there

    i hope you have all had an ok week?

    Todays follow up appointment to get the pathology results from last week’s lumpectomies and sentinel node biopsy - and to determine next steps.

    *right breast - good margins and DCIS. 
    *left sentinel node ok - good news 
    *left breast multifocal invasive cancer on and around lump that was removed and unclear margin. 

    Next step - genetic testing to determine which surgery. Options:

    1) another lumpectomy to get clearer margins then radiotherapy both breasts 

    2) bilateral mastectomies with reconstruction at same time (eligible for both reconstruction types). 

    Of course, we could do option 1 and end up having to proceed with option 2, so weighing this up. 

    The genetic testing will help me decide what to do next - if the B gene is present, it will be mastectomies and if not - I need to weigh up the decision. In some ways - I feel relieved to go with the science here, as I can’t do anything about my genetics in this instance, so can’t worry about that. 

    We discussed recurrence and our aim is preventing this, of course. 

    Genetic testing next Wednesday 12/4 and follow up appointment with surgeon at the start l May. 

    Pathology also showed hormone sensitive (is that the term?), so will need endocrine therapy, too 😞. 

    There’s a lot to weigh up and I am appreciating reading the past posts on this site to gather information and questions. 

    One thing at a time, is my mantra - but it IS a lot of information to process. Glad for Easter to recover from last week’s surgery and consider next steps. I’ll be glad to get outside for some more walks this weekend, that’s for sure. 

    TY all for your previous thoughts and encouragement. 

    Nicky 🌸🐰

  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,581
    Those are good results @Nicky123, considering. You do have decisions to make, but for the time being focus on enjoying the Easter holiday as you said, and resting from the surgery. The right answer will come to you at the right time ♥️.
  • Nicky123
    Nicky123 Member Posts: 28
    Thank you @FLClover - I’ve had some lovely downtime and also some some research on here to consider next steps. Over the initial shock of last Thursday and have some questions - but will wait for the results of the genetic testing and then go from there. 
    I really appreciate your message and hope your long weekend is also going well?
    take care,
    Nicky 🌸
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,581
    @Nicky123 it is, thank you 🐣☺️🥰. I did the same genetic testing and it came back negative, which was a relief, but I’d already had the double mastectomy. And then radiation on top of that as well 😄. But mine were different circumstances, so you shouldn’t need all that. Either way, you will know the right thing to do if you are calm and confident. Enjoy the rest of your weekend ♥️.
  • Nicky123
    Nicky123 Member Posts: 28
    Thank you for sharing more of your experiences @FLClover - it’s really helpful. X 🌸
  • Nicky123
    Nicky123 Member Posts: 28
    edited July 2023
    An update today - after not getting clear margins on one side (30/3), I had some genetic testing (negative) to decide mastectomy or re-excision. 
    I had the second surgery last Friday and found out today - margins clear.
    13/7 meeting with my surgeon to discuss next steps - radiotherapy and removal of mirena. I know hormone blockers are pending and can’t wrap my head around that yet. 
    One thing at a time.

    My surgeon has been great - including this last time, rather than have me wait for 2 weeks for my pathology appointment - she messaged me on holidays with the good news.  

    Learning so much here, from the breast care nurse and the focus is recovering from surgery this week then onto next. 

    Thank you all. 
    Nicky 🌸
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Great to hear the margins are clear @Nicky123 and all the best for your appt with your surgeon, he will then refer you on to the Rad Onc, as well as the Medical Onc re the ongoing treatment, and possibly a lymphodema specialist too, so you are aware of the exercises to do to hopefully prevent lymphodema 

    take care & all the best - let us know how you go .... make haste slowly - but get back (as you are able) to doing things that you love doing, to keep yourself active & engaged, both mentally & physically xx
  • Nicky123
    Nicky123 Member Posts: 28
    @arpie thank you so much for your encouragement and advice - so gratefully received. 

    I’ve booked an appointment with the onc Physio at the hospital, she’s going to look at my mobility (I had a baseline and post first surgery Sozo test) and also give me some massage tips. 

    Thanks again - 

    Nicky 🌸