Chemo side effects



  • GenK
    GenK Member Posts: 65
    Thanks…mum’s a couple of days from starting and has been given maxalon and dex so guess see how she goes but I’ll make sure there’s some flannels and/or fan in case she has flushed cheeks with this first lot and then discuss with onc at second cycle. I’m nervous about the dex with her diabetes, but guess shall have to see. Hope treatment going as well as it can for you 🌺
  • lovemoon
    lovemoon Member Posts: 38
    @GenK My flushing cheeks didn't start until day 15 of my first cycle and ice and the humidifier worked well. But with the second cycle, it started on day 3 and the ice and humidifier did not work quite as good as in the first cycle. So, I called up my oncologist and she suggested that I'd only take one dex for my next cycle. The flushing cheeks persist actually but is not as bad today (day 11 of 2nd cycle) when I have not even turned on the heater. So, yes, let's see how it goes. Make sure your mom drinks plenty of water for the first 3 or 4 days to help flush out the drugs. Dehydration is the last thing you want. Hope she is well  <3

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