Newly diagnosed. Am I being mucked around by the hospital?



  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    @Nattyv63 all the best for tomorrow.  I liken the sound of the bang like the sound of a staple gun going off.  As others have said they will numb the area first, if anything it may sting a bit, and to be honest now I can't even remember!  Let us know how you go.  xx
  • Nattyv63
    Nattyv63 Member Posts: 17
    Thanks so much @Keeping_positive1 about to head off now! 
  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    If you get a chance pop back in and tell us what your experience was like today @Nattyv63
  • Nattyv63
    Nattyv63 Member Posts: 17
    Hi all! Today was pretty bad either not enough local or not in the right place I could feel the biopsies being taken and the clips being put in place. I told the doctor but she said they were nearly done. EXTREMELY sore now and can barely move my left arm. Was not a pleasant experience and I fear what’s to come! I took some pics of my films - it doesn’t look pretty! 
  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    thanks for updating us, and ok you shared the pics with us, but not sure if you are aware this is a public forum, and even those that are not members can see all that is posted, except in the private group.  Just so you know.  Hmmmm, it doesn't look pretty I agree, I think mine looked similar, but wait to hear what they say is going on, OK?

    Take care. xx Try to relax tonight, there isn't much you can do until you get the results.  You are in good hands at the Alfred :) 
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hello @Nattyv63 - pleased that is now over for you.  Thank you for letting us know.  I guess we all sort of concentrate on what is supposed to be happening at the time, so things feel worse than they are. Wait for your results and an action plan before panicking.  Still no Googling !  😁
    Rest and be kind to yourself.  Do something special as a treat just for you.
    Best wishes.  Come on and chat or vent if you need to.
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,318
    Hi @Nattyv63, after my biopsy my boob was bruised and really tender for a few days.
    You are now on  the roller coaster/treadmill and things will start moving .
    Feel free to post here as we have all been there one way or another.
    I had every scan known to man including a petscan and each time worked myself into a nervous wreck but in the end I was stage 2 no cancer in my lymph nodes.
    There WILL be light at the end of the tunnell - it may be a cliche but try to take it one day at a time.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    edited December 2021
    So sorry it is so sore @Nattyv63 ... I hope it passes quickly, but the bruising may come out a bit more  as well over the next few days.  :(  Try not to overthink your scans .... difficult tho it is.  It ‘looks tricky’ but we are are not qualified to interpret them ... hopefully you get your results ASAP and we’ll have fingers and toes crossed for you. xx  

    Then your team will be able to give you dates and a plan.

     This disease really DOES muck with your brain, even more than your body, specially in the early days.  Contact our helpline today and they’ll be able to talk you thru it xx

    take care
  • Nattyv63
    Nattyv63 Member Posts: 17
    HI all, so my core biopsy came back Stage 3 Er/Pr Posititve IDC. Had the first of the staging scans yesterday (Heart blood pool) and PET and next Friday I have CT on heart, lungs, brain and then a bone scan as well as bloods. Feeling numb, surreal, like it's not happening to me. I actually feel like this thing is killing me and this will be my last Christmas. It's such a weird feeling and no one in my family/friends group understands. I always feel I have to be "up" and "on" and when I was raging the other day my sister told me to calm down. I don't really have anyone HERE FOR ME. Lots of words of comfort, very little action. Blah, over it. Thanks for letting me vent.
  • Nattyv63
    Nattyv63 Member Posts: 17
    PS start chemo on Jan 7!

  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,529
    Hi @Nattyv63, it is a hard time of year with this happening to you. I was not stage 3 but I would be a bit freaked out too if I had that result. I was bad enough when first diagnosed. 

    I am sure once all the scans etc are done and te drs have assessed your whole situation they will come up with a plan that will get on top of this. Stage 3 is not a death sentence. Treatment is so effective these days even if stage 3. There are lots of ladies who have lived to tell the story of their treatment and survival. 

    It is very normal to feel overwhelmed and stressed. Your sister just doesn't understand, how could she when it isn't her experience. It is hard for others to get how we feel and while they all try to make us calm and feel better sometimes we just feel what we feel. 

    I know you are frightened and so stressed. Perhaps try deep breathing, just focus on that to help yourself. Listen to music if you like that or distract yourself as much as you can to take your mind off it as you can. 

    It is good that treatment starts soon. Just hard waiting for it. Once treatment starts and they get on top of this you will feel emotionally a bit better. Have you seen a counsellor? Might be good to do that now to get some strategies to help you get through this. We are all different but it really helped me as did the practice of meditation. There are heaps of free meditation on the internet you could try. 

    Best wishes for a peaceful day and also for tomorrow. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Oh Darn xx  Feel free to Vent away all you want!  @Nattyv63.    You are in a safe place here. xx It is Not exactly the Xmas pressie you wanted ... and you are feeling totally overwhelmed just now & thinking the worst - but as @Cath62 says .... treatments are So much more effective than 'in the old days' ... and yours is about to start.  All the best for your tests next week.

    You'll have plenty more nicer Christmas's too xx .... You have a busy couple of weeks ahead of you - and all that goes towards forming your very own personalised game plan. xx  

    It is all a bit surreal, isn't it.  Almost Weird - as if you are looking down on yourself from afar .... We all want 'it' out then and there ... and soon, it will be. xx

    Take deep breaths, lots of them ... if anyone upsets you, just walk out of the room and go and lie down, or go for a walk - grab a drink - whatever works for you xx  I used to go fishing -  EVERY DAY between detection & diagnosis.

    Take care & All the best for Xmas Day and beyond xxx  
  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    @Nattyv63 do you have someone you can chat with outside of your family.  I didn't let family into my emotional world, and found I had to sort of hold them up.  What I did have was a few friends of friends who had been through breast cancer treatment, who quickly connected with me and "cheered" me on and often we met for coffee, they were such great support and some friendships developed from there on.  I call them my "breast friends" and still to this day, 5 years on I can say their support has meant so much to me.  I also interact with 2 cancer support groups, and would still go from time to time if not for covid restrictions. 

    I was also Stage 3.  Still going strong and mine was an aggressive cancer.  I am sure many of us think the worst in the beginning, you are not alone in that regard.  I rang the Cancer Council who sent out meditation cd's and I think you can access and listen to them on their website.  I am also in Melbourne, so we have had all the restrictions to contend with as well.  Wishing you the best as you move forward to start your treatment.  Take care. xx

  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    I have sent you a pm.