Torn …. Scared to have vaccine scared not to



  • Sam09
    Sam09 Member Posts: 149
    Thanks Mez 

    Believe me I’ve read all the information on the co vid vaccine and my daughter in law is a bio medical scientist so I’m well aware of it all what they believe and know in this short time of this terrible virus. I only posted if someone on my treatment with my type of cancer that may have had the vaccine could help me with my hesitation of having it by taking me through what experiences they may or may not had 😊 I live right  on the beach and kind of prefer to live in paradise in a bubble anyway I don’t mix in crowds so I feel comfortable in whatever I choose to do. I’m not an anti vaxxer  in any way I’m fully vaccinated all my life as with my family. Thanks for the  offer of support though  it’s appreciated even though your big brother on this forum of opinions that disagree. There can only be verified data on this matter for what is a very short period of time that’s a worry in my eyes and many many others. 

    I don’t get on here much any more because of the bullying of opinions I have found people like to give an opinion but don’t like it if they get back one that isn’t the same as there’s 😂 we are all in the same place with this virus no one knows we can only do our best and we are the guinea pigs my daughter in law told me that vaccines won’t stop us getting it it may dampen symptoms and it won’t stop us spreading it FACT and  who knows the long term implications on our health absolutely no one 

    Not me I don’t think not yet ☺️

  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,580
    edited October 2021
    Hi @Mez_BCNA. Thanks for your links to info. The thing is, a lot of us know how to access that info already. There’s a lot out there on the vaccines, the virus, symptoms, side effects and what not. A lot of us also know ppl in the field who are able to supply us with lots of facts on it. But what none of us know, is how these vaccines might react to the meds we’re taking for our specific type of breast cancer. As we know they’re not all the same, and we’re also not all on the same treatment and medication for it. Before taking any vaccine of any sort, I’d like to know, at least 5 years down the track if not more, what the side effects were of it. 
    When contemplating chemo, we are given a booklet of short term, medium term and long term side effects. Same goes for radiation. Long term means years down the track, not barely 24 months. We should be given the same for this. Before taking supplements even, I have to phone my oncologist and ask whether it’s safe to do so for my particular type of bca. She then advises me which ones are ok based on data that’s available from long term studies. What we’re asking for is the same data for these vaccines, however it’s not available. That would probably categorise it as ‘experimental’. So that’s all we really want to know. 
    Has anyone taken the vaccine that has hormone positive, HER2 negative bca, in my case, and is able to tell me what the risks were after 5-10 years? This is the question, nothing more nothing less. From any ladies here who might have experienced it. 
    And no, I am not willing to take risks without data when it comes to my body. This is my choice. Others can do as they wish. 
    Thank you. 
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,311
    My 88 year old mother often relates some symptom or other to me  ( she has a lot of symptoms!) and my standard response is “ I am a lawyer not a Doctor”.
    So my post has two points  to make.
    As a lawyer , words are very important to me , and I don’t regard a difference of opinion  on this forum as “ bullying”.
    My second point is that Doctors spend years qualifying and if they specialise , even more years .
    As cancer patients ( which is what we all are here) we rely on our medical specialists to advise and support us  in our cancer “ journey”.
    The fact that someone had a bad experience with a Doctor or other medical professional doesn’t change that fact.
    I for one prefer to take my medical advice from a qualified medical professional rather than from the internet.
    That’s my opinion and I am entitled to it.

  • Emma17
    Emma17 Member Posts: 46
    I am two degrees removed from a business associate who was in his 40s and died from an AstraZeneca injection in July.  The statistical risk of the AZ vaccine was no longer abstract - the cold reality of the risk hit his extended business and social circle with a thud.   
  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 961
    @Julez1958...I agree with you in what you've said. I take with a great pinch of salt what people post in various online forums. At the end of the day, all you can possibly know about the veracity of what a person has posted, is that they have access to either a smart phone, or a computer or somesuch electronic device. You can't even be sure that they own the aforementioned, but they do have internet access. Further than that, you know nothing. I could say I'm a 63 year old woman, but in fact be an 18 year old man. Who is to say that what they post is truth? So much of what is posted on some of these groups who are anti vaccine is of the "My cousin's best friend's girlfriend's father...blah..blah..blah.", and even if their allegation is supposedly a 'first hand' experience, how would one know it is truthful and not just some off the wall statement? Qualified medical doctors quite obviously don't know everything about each and every medical condition or medication and how they might or might not react with each other, but I too, would far rather trust their combined knowledge as far as my medical treatment goes, rather than some anonymous member of the online community with absolutely no medical knowledge whatsoever. I personally don't want to wait five or ten years to establish one hundred percent what may or may not be a relevant side effect of a vaccine which might well play a large role in saving my life, or at least minimising to some degree, any known and recorded problems which I might have if I became infected with covid. I could very well die waiting.
  • BlackWidow
    BlackWidow Member Posts: 268
    @AllyJay, I do not know which of the responses, if any, you are referring to but thank you for the warning as I will totally ignore any advice you give to members.  If you are referring to my post you can be sure I am a female in my 60s and I DO know the very unfortunate people mentioned in my post.  Members come on here for replies and they get them.  Who is to say they are who they say they are and that their issues are honest ?  I made my vaccine decision and do not regret it as have many others.
  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    I will chime in here!  The thread creator is torn, ... scared to have the vaccine, and scared not to.  Sam I hope you make the decision that is right for you.  

    I have made my own informed decision after discussing with my medical team and on the public health advise, and I have had both doses of Astra Zeneca.  Nobody here on the forum is trying to bully you into getting the vaccine, you sound like a strong willed person, although scared, which is understandable.  Best wishes for whatever you decide is in your best interest health wise.  Take care. xx
  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 961
    @BlackWidow I was not taking a pot shot at you or any other particular member. I was merely making an observation that there are many groups, thousands, if not millions, covering all sorts of subjects.  The truth is, that you really don't know who is posting what and what their knowledge base is. I have a family member (by marriage), who is quite militant about these vaccines." They will mess up my DNA...they're made from aborted fetuses, they actually give you covid, covid is a total non disease, and that big pharma and governments have colluded with each other to frighten the 'sheep' who will then clamour for their governments to provide them with these (untested and dangerous) vaccines, to the enrichment of them all....and so on ad infinitum. Comments that this person makes in some of these groups crop up on my facebook page daily, and a great many of these posts relate to some or other unspecified 'victim' who had dropped dead after being vaccinated. When pushed for verification of their claims by other group members, they fail to respond, or label the person posing the question a 'sheep' or co conspirator. I'm quite sure that you are who you claim to be, as am I...a 63 year old woman, but I was merely stating the fact that really, it is not guaranteed that people are who and what they state in any group.
  • Sam09
    Sam09 Member Posts: 149
    Oh ladies gosh 🤦🏻‍♀️ I only posted torn to see if any one could give me their experience with my cancer only if they have had the vaccine I didn’t mean to cause a war ….. 

    let’s move on this has not helped me 
    thank you to the kind people who understand my dilemma not condemn it 
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,311
    Hi @Allyjay
    Just wanted to say I am REALLY a 63 year old woman!
    I am in Sydney and sm hoping when this lockdown is over I can attend a BCN support group.😊
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,580
    @Sam09 and this is why I didn’t want to comment. You can say your cousin died from the shot, and they’ll said you’re making it up. But people they claim died from covid have never been identified either. So? We are always wrong apparently. And I am fully vaccinated, as is my daughter. I myself took her for her shots. Her first shot was at 3 days of age. So anti vaxxer is only what an ignorant person would call me, and is misinformation. And offensive. So no point discussing this with people who believe this vaccine is our saviour. It’s common knowledge this virus is 98% survivable, which is more than bca itself. But I still have to get vaxxed?? I don’t think so. The risks of this vaccine for me far outweigh the risks of covid. 
    And I just want to point out, to the other ladies, that I don’t get my information from the ‘internet’. And having one bad medical experience is not what leads me to believe there’s a lot of corruption in the medical field. But it’s pointless discussing this further. There are multitudes of actual nurses out there warning against it cos they have seen, but apparently they’re not real. Only what mainstream media shows you is real. Let’s forget all the virologists, who know much more about this than our oncs, who are also warning against the shot. And victims of shots have names btw, and faces, for those that bother to look. And all people asked for links so far have provided them on my feeds, but it’s the pushy ppl who refuse to watch them. Then claim there’s no proof. Have it, don’t have it, ladies I don’t care. Just don’t tell me I’m stupid, or ignorant, or that I get my info from my phone. Cos that’s bullying!! Having an opposing opinion isn’t bullying, it’s when you claim these things about ppl who disagree. I could be here all week telling you all how I have my info, problem is you wouldn’t listen out of bias. But as I said I don’t care. Just don’t deny me my freedom and medical rights. That’s all. I refuse to argue further. 
    Sam, I hope you make your decision and it’s the best one for you, either way 🙂. Good luck with it 🍀♥️. 
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,580
    @BlackWidow I think that comment was directed at me, not you. I’m the one willing to wait 5-10 years to see side effects from an untested and unsafe shot. For a disease that it 98% survivable. And I’m not ashamed to say it. 
    I know you’ve had yours and I’m ok with that. It was your choice to keep yourself safe. We make our own choices about our own bodies. 
    I hope you’re well 🤞
  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    Sorry we can't help you Sam, it may be best you ask your health professionals if they know anyone on your particular treatment that also have concerns about getting the vaccine. Take care and stay safe. 
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,580
    @AllyJay feel free to pass my details on to your family by marriage member. Sounds like we would have a nice chat about things 🙂
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,471
    Perhaps everyone we can take a breather. Strongly held opinions are rarely given up easily. @Sam09 asked a specific question, which I don’t think anyone is able to answer yet. Best wishes.