


  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,581
    edited June 2021
    I’m glad your terrible neighbour moved out @Autismandbc. I’ve had terrible neighbours, and just like terrible bosses and partners, they can make your life hell. I think this is a massive step in the right direction for you 👌🏻👌🏻. 
    I don’t think we should send affected people to Alice Springs 😆🤔, but I agree that people should fight against lock down in Victoria. It’s already proven to be a very futile method. 
    Good luck with radio. One step closer to beating this ca for good 🍀
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803

    I don’t think we should send affected people to Alice Springs 😆🤔, but I agree that people should fight against lock down in Victoria. 

    Do you live in Victoria?
    You need to live here to understand it!
  • Autismandbc
    Autismandbc Member Posts: 20
    I forgot that Victorians are different and special human beings and their experience of Covid cannot possibly be understood by mere non Victorians....... the Alice Springs comment was actually a non Victorian concept called "humour"....
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
  • Autismandbc
    Autismandbc Member Posts: 20
    However I do actually think that the infected should go to sweet Alice or Nahru......nice little holiday and unable to just piss off to NSW or Qld. See, we in WA are used to being trapped and isolated and regarded as inferior to the east coast so being locked down in the homes that we choose to live in is not as DEVASTATING for us as it is for our superior east coast comrades.....
  • Autismandbc
    Autismandbc Member Posts: 20
    Clearly we aren't " all in this together", LOL, sarcasm, wit, humour, irreverence, idiocy; it's all the same thing. It's about being able to laugh regardless of which label you use to define meaning. 
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    No we Victorians are not special - we have had four times as many COVID cases as NSW and almost as 15 times as many deaths. We don’t want to be there again. No amount of finger pointing can get round the problems of people being people, assuming they can do what they have always done. The sarcasm/humour isn’t warranted, we’d all like it to be over and shipping the problem to the NT isn’t very helpful either! Lockdowns have worked, even partial ones like the Northern Beaches. Be happy that WA has been spared much of the difficulty. 
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hey @Autismandbc - us Victorians do have a sense of humour but, like other places around the world, are being caught by people who have been overseas and we generously let back in !  As @Afraser says, human nature being what it is means that the whole world is fighting to control the virus.  Your location is shown as "Perth (Police State)" - please respect your authorities for their strength, they have kept you safe thus far.  We'd all like people to be quarantined in purpose-built facilities but these require a suitable location, substantial money, adequate trained staffing etc. - this cannot happen overnight.  Lockdowns have worked, even though we hate the restrictions, the leaders have done their very best and I am sure none of us would want to be in their shoes.  All the best, may the virus stay away from you - and us all.
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,581
    edited June 2021

    iserbrown said:

    I don’t think we should send affected people to Alice Springs 😆🤔, but I agree that people should fight against lock down in Victoria. 

    Do you live in Victoria?
    You need to live here to understand it!

    No, I don’t live there. I don’t need to live there to understand it. Lockdowns are cruel and no one should have to suffer through that. They are also unnecessary. That’s why I said people should fight back. 

    Different people have different sense of humour. What might be funny to one, might not be funny to another, and vice versa. On all topics. That doesn’t mean we should stop laughing. That’s almost as cruel as the lockdown. We need to understand we’re all different, put the judgement aside, and change our reaction to certain things. 
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    @FLClover - we have lockdowns but the alternative is covid - know which one I'd prefer. 
    Suggesting going against the advice of health officials (advice not given and taken lightly) is stupidity.
    If you lived in areas affected by the recent travellers who just did their own thing you might think differently.

  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,581
    @June1952 covid is not the alternative if people actually did listen to the advice of health officials. And I’m not talking about the health officials who have monetary gains from going with the narrative forced on us by the mainstream media. I’m talking about health officials who are taking their Hippocratic Oath seriously and genuinely looking out for the good of the general population, despite being in a position to be ostracised by doing so.  
    I don’t need to think differently. The way I think is just fine. 
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Exactly, IF people did listen to the health advice and acted accordingly.
    Knowing 2 people who have been in ICU for several months with covid I know I don't want to get it and if I have to have my social wings clipped to stay safe then it is OK with me.
    I don't think the covid lockdown was the original title of this post ??? but it has sort of gone off topic.
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Perhaps best to get back on topic , we’ve all had our say! 
  • Halla
    Halla Member Posts: 185
    Glad you are feeling a bit more positive @Autismandbc ... I’m looking forward to doing the same - radiation and 10kg loss here we come! Let’s do it!
  • Autismandbc
    Autismandbc Member Posts: 20
    Despair occurs when you believe the government is there to keep you safe. Keeping us safe is not the highest priority to this government. The economy is. The reference to WA as being a " police state" is NOT a reflection of disrespect because it IS a fact that you could only know if you have been involved in police corruption and a legal system which has nothing to do with justice, and over many decades. And I have NO respect for the police in any state or the judicial system in any state but I do respect my Premiers efforts regarding Covid, in comparison to other state leaders. And to all VICTORIANS and non Victorians; I keep MYSELF safe. The government does NOT keep us safe because they make flawed decisions and consistent avoidable mistakes based on corrupt governing policies which prioritise power, finance and international relations over the well being of the middle and lower class families, individuals and sole traders. They DONT keep me safe from the flu, or covid my personal choices do. 
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