Waiting time for therapy



  • Joarden
    Joarden Member Posts: 57
    Hi, sweet of you to remember.. Heard back yesterday, appointments on 15th and 16th with oncologist, and radiotherapist.. The nurse said its a good sign they didn't rush appointment, as it could mean not an urgent case at this stage..hope that's it, and not that its worse than we thought??! REALLY overthinking everything.. Thank you for caring.:-)) xxx
  • Emma17
    Emma17 Member Posts: 46
    edited February 2020
    Non-node involvement doesn't mean cells haven't escaped - metastasis could have occurred with no node involvement.  That's the nature of cancer, and people with ILC may be more aware of this than most.  The MO said, relatively speaking and it varies from person to person, that the tumour biology (aggressiveness) is most important.  If you go to www.breastcancer.org and view various diagnoses, you will see some people have had chemo with no node involvement and others with node involvement did not have chemo.  I hope you trust that your medical team is doing the right thing for you.  If you have any doubts or concerns or don't understand the 'why's', speak up to your doctors.  They are there to serve you.
  • Joarden
    Joarden Member Posts: 57
    Hi..unfortunately I had 7 out of 10 lymph nodes removed come back as a problem.. The excision went ok, no new developments..haven't seen oncologist yet, so my mind is racing with all sorts of scenarios.. Just the surgeon so far, after surgery and checking wound/ dressing..hope things are ok with you.:-))
  • Dory65
    Dory65 Member Posts: 323
    Hi @Joarden,
    The long wait between appointments were excruciating for me too. I encourage you to be your own advocate. I am very glad I followed advice to get copies of ALL test results and pathology results and my GP later gave me copies of the letters from the surgeon, medical oncologist and radiation oncologist. I went entirely through the public system and have been very well looked after. My confidence has been shaken on occasion, however, because there is little to no central coordination of data/test results or appointments with different departments, etc. The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing :neutral: Plus, I was often 'handled' by the interns/registrars rather than the specialists themselves. One made a mistake which I was only able to pick up because I knew my own pathology results. Anyway, I take my folder with me to every appointment now, just in case. Doing research and organising my data helped me calm my racing mind. Just keep to reputable sources and medical journals. I read Breast Cancer: Taking Control and DCIS: Taking Control by Professor John Boyages. Others have recommended The Complete Guide to Breast Cancer, How to Feel Empowered and Take ControlAlso see https://www.bcna.org.au/news-events/book-reviews/
  • Joarden
    Joarden Member Posts: 57
    Thank you !!! The waiting is awful because  I don't know if that means no hope??.'-((..have appointment on the 15th and 16th, hope things  make sense after that!!.:-))
  • Beryl C.
    Beryl C. Member Posts: 270
    Yes, the waiting is awful but it has nothing to do with hope or lack of hope. I was diagnosed in June and had masectomy early Dec. Try to avoid 'reading' to much into dates, times etc, that is, avoid over thinking which someone has already mentioned. Stay in touch with this forum, reading old posts gave me a sense of belonging to an on-going community. I told myself that I was not going to let anxiety and worry steal away my day! I did phone the BCNA help line and the conversation settled me down. The roller coaster ride that is BC is best endured with laughter, determination, tears, sprinkle of anger etc etc. Stay in touch! xxxxxxxx
  • Joarden
    Joarden Member Posts: 57
    So true!! Chatting here has kept me going.so much kindness and support..:-)) have never been sick before, so all new to me..I'm also the sort of person who wants to know every detail, and have things done quickly.. As much as I am.hating the idea of treatment, need to start to at least feel there is hope..the rollercoaster is getting annoying.!! :-)) xxx
  • ddon
    ddon Member Posts: 349
    My surgeon told me that bc is a slow growing cancer - even high grade - and weeks won’t make a difference overall. He said the growth happens every 80 days which calmed my mind while I waited. Hang in there xx
  • Joarden
    Joarden Member Posts: 57
    Thank you, that helps a lot!! Not much information off my surgeon.. Hope things are going well for you..:-))
  • Emma17
    Emma17 Member Posts: 46
    edited February 2020
    Hi Joarden, I just posted this on a Scan thread and thought it might provide some perspective on your concern about treatment timing:
    Links to three resources for insight into general growth rate and cell estimation for BC tumours:
    1.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3320224/ 
    From start of 7th para:  'The number of cancer cells is a function of
    tumour volume in cubic centimetres. Each cell is about 20 μm in
    diameter. A 1-cm cancer has about 100 million cells, a 0.5-cm cancer has
    about 10 million cells, and a 1-mm cancer has about 100 thousand
    the end 'Scientists have found that for most breast and bowel cancers,
    the tumours begin to grow around ten years before they're detected.'

  • Joarden
    Joarden Member Posts: 57
    Thank you both, VERY helpful information..:-))..hope all is well with you xxx
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    Try and keep as busy as you can while you wait for your appts  @Joarden  .... busy hands,  busy mind ....  and if you are up to it, as much as you can during your treatment.  

    Stay away from Dr Google ... if you find yourself feeling stressed, please ring the helpline and have a chat with them about coping strategies.

    take care xxx
  • Joarden
    Joarden Member Posts: 57
    Unfortunately I check Dr Google too much!! Trying to stay away..appointment coming in in  less than 3 weeks, surgeon told me yesterday to " anticipate a good result "..feel a bit better, but can't help thinking the worst..the pain is all the way down my arm, still try to do chores etc, just avoiding lifting.. Thank you for your kind words, hope all is well with you..:-)) xxx
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,549
    HI @Joarden,

    Our brains will always think the worst.  They give you recovery time from theatre before they proceed with chemo.  @Giovanna has good advice to contact your BCN and get clarification.  These women are an invaluable asset and so helpful as a go between us and the doctors.  
    One thing you have to be along this trip is your own advocate.  If you don't understand something you must keep asking questions until you do.  
    All the best lovely