Thyroid link?



  • poodlejules
    poodlejules Member Posts: 393
    edited December 2019
    All the best @JoeyLiz. Hope you improve over the weekend. I've started asking for a thyroid collar now when I have my mammogram . I think they don't routinely use them as the may get in the way of the imaging . It seems too that dentists don't have to use lead aprons anymore either for dental x rays but I always ask for one as I feel I have had enough radiation to last a life time!
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,288
     So you have actually used one @poodlejules ?

    The thyroid guard/collar has come up in threads now & then (I started a thread on them in April) - it seems not only are they not often used (I've never been offered one) - I am not sure they are even available, if asked for as we have buses!   

    Did you have to request it before you arrived for your mammogram?  Was it in the Bus or an actual Imaging Office?

  • poodlejules
    poodlejules Member Posts: 393
    Hi @arpie. Yes I asked for one in September at the Freemasons Breast Clinic (Melbourne) but only when I went into the scanning room. It was just there at the side of the machine so they must be in use a bit. It's like a thick band with velcro fastening. The operator had to wiggle it a bit to get it out of the way but it was easy:)

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    What a relief @JoeyLiz! Still so weird to say that about finding a health condition... But hey, it's not BC so reason to smile. I was the same with my gall bladder growth. Discovered during an US for suspicious liver spots. So weird, but that's our life now!

    As well as BC, my gene mutation has been linked to thyroid cancer. I was researching tests/scans for this and learned that manual detection by a doctor is as effective, if not better, than by technology. So a couple of times a year I get my GP to check my thyroid. Very easy and low stress. You could add that into your health routine if it will set your mind at ease.

    As soon as you're feeling better you crack on with Baby Two. 'Tis the season to be jolly and what could be more cheery than new life?! K xox
  • Anne65
    Anne65 Member Posts: 428
    @JoeyLiz Hoping you are starting to recover after your horrible sickness. How frightening for you. At least the nasties have been ruled out! I have had an overactive thyroid for around 20 yrs & have been on medication for that time. it was only discovered a couple of years ago that this med was quite toxic & i should only have been on it for around 6 months. It can effect my bones, liver & goodness knows what else but after my Graves disease had come back again only recently, it was decided for me to take a radioactive iodine tablet to "blast" my thyroid back into normality & now i am just on a safe drug forever to regulate it. I asked if my cancer or rad treatment may have caused it to come back at this time but the endo didnt seem to think that there was a link....but who knows!! Anyway, i do hope they get to the bottom of it. I am having regular blood tests like you, to ensure things stay on track. Good luck xx 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    There is a link between breast cancer and hyperthyroidism, and interestingly many breast surgeons are endocrine surgeons. I have Graves disease but it was not even mentioned to me when duagnised with breast cancer as my family history seemed most likely risk.
    It may well just be an enlarged thyroid causing a goitre so yes important to get checked.  I went on to have a  CT but it was just an autoimmune and is under control with medication. 
    Thyroid conditions are extremely common and especially in women over 50. It's often included in routine blood screening because of this.