Rise of the machines😩🤬🥴🤢



  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Wow. I've had elements of that sort of attitude but it sounds like your 'team' have taken it to a whole new level. It really is a shame you can't transition to the public system but I guess it's too late now. Having to pay to be treated like shit is the ultimate insult.

    I sacked a medical oncology clinic for being both superior and thoughtless. It felt really good.

    If you are feeling a bit rebellious, could I suggest a bit of passive resistance? I find that can be fun. If anyone  treats me like I'm stupid or makes me feel like Ii am the invisible woman, I  will either bite their head of or do my Dumb Cow act.. Go full on bovine stupidity. Stand in the one spot until told to move, then ask 'Now?' Take everything that is said to you literally. 
    Anothere excellent ploy with the Terribly Important is to take a little notebook with you and laboriously write down everyone's name. Everyone from the receptionist upward. Every time you see them. Every time. Ask them to spell it if you want to add another layer of  irritation.
     It can drive them nuts and finally push snarky staff into saying or doing something reportable. Then you have them over a barrel and it's remarkable how quickly attitudes change when you switch on and start asking to see managers.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I'm so sorry you are getting this sort of attitude @temple.  And that you are paying for it.  I would certainly be recording names and processes - you may need to know them down the track.  Regarding appointments - it is common for appointments to be day-by-day, private & public.  I was given a list of times before I started but was told that these would be reviewed each day for the following day.  However, even though I was in the main public hospital here, they were always as accommodating as they could be.  My preference was for around 9:30ish each morning due to other commitments and from memory, they made it within 30 minutes of that each day except for once when it had to be closer to 11.  So while the appointments may not be set in stone, I would think there would be room to get it close.  If you are not feeling confident about the centre's ability to effect treatment, it may be necessary to speak up about it before you start.  You are a paying customer.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    I would be asking for clarity on the process as the "oh are you here again, not interested attitude" is causing unnecessary anxiety otherwise give consideration to asking for a consult with the Radiation Oncologist and ask for a transfer to a different facility!  

    A notebook sounds like a wise move!

    Take care as at the end of the day you didn't ask to be in this predicament 
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553

    My goodness, what a mess.  That's beyond poor sevice let alone the emotional side of it.  Start jumping up and down, taking names and kicking butts. Maybe ask who the head honcho is there and what the patient liasons phone number is.  That tends to shake everyone up a bit. I like @Zoffiel idea of the name notebook.  That could be a lot of fun.

    My appointments were made on the Monday for the rest of the week and confirmed daily.  The few times I needed to change them there was no problem.  The whole 6 weeks ran very smoothly.
      This was me as a public patient in a private hospital and I was treated exactly the same as everyone paying the big bucks. The staff were always friendly and understanding. Except the one that did the tattoos,  didn't like her much. Ouch.
    Whether you're paying or not, this is a serious business and everybody should be treated equally, fairly and respectfully. If you're not....give em hell lovely. 

  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    I almost never had this problem for bc treatment but a recent interview prior to a routine colonoscopy was different. Appointment moved nearly an hour early by the doctor’s request, no problem. Got in even earlier to fill out the lengthy forms I knew they’d ask for. Kept waiting for over half an hour past appointment time while the person who it turned out I was seeing mooched around, had a cup of tea and did not read my file. Finally in the consulting room, no introduction of any kind other than that he was gong to conduct a medical examination. I should have asked then and there what his qualifications were. I asked if he wanted reports, other than what was already on the referral, from my medical team. Got told this was how they do things and if I wasn’t happy with that, I was at liberty to go elsewhere. He then proceeded to ask all the questions I had already written on the form but abruptly and unhelpfully - ‘What did I mean, I have an arrhythmia?’. Did he want a medical description? Finally I thought I should raise the real reason I was there (I am on blood thinners) as he clearly wasn’t getting to it any time soon. Off tablets for three days, aspirin instead. I (mildly) noted that was different from last time. Once again, if don’t like it you can leave. So I did. Advised my GP ( who was not impressed), referred to 2nd centre, professional, thorough, pleasant and reassuring. Walking saves a lot of nervous tension! 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    That certainly was wise to walk!  
  • LIttleBlueWren
    LIttleBlueWren Member Posts: 88
    Hi @Temple
    I too was very worried about rads once I realised that I was expected to lie half-naked on the machine with my arms up. Thankfully, I found out this bit of info before I started and I purchased some 'baby blankets' (Kmart $10 for 3) and took one in with me each day. I was able to cover myself up during the actual radiation part. When they were setting me up, some staff seemed to take delight in making me feel as vulnerable as possible and others set me up without exposing my chest at all (just lifting the blanket a little to put the bolus on my chest and do the measurements). 

    They really don't understand (some do try though) how the whole process makes one feel.

    My thoughts will be with you, it will be done before you know it.

  • Temple
    Temple Member Posts: 42
    Thank you @LIttleBlueWren  - I wish I knew if I was allowed to do that, or what will happen, what to wear, where I get changed, into what, etc before hand. I wish I could have seen a linear accelerator ahead of time and what it will be like. Seems a basic idea and good practice. Despite all the “we’re here to support you” propaganda they were not supportive nor had they shown any awareness of how to be patient centred. I will find out the complaints and feedback
    process. Not looking for new best friends, just efficient, patient centred folks to do the radiation. I have however transferred whatever radiation I am having that maybe starts next week to a different centre, unfortunately within the  same network but maybe the team there are not as self centred.
    Someone suggested taking a notebook but the info hasn’t been about me or my treatment or prognosis, just banal crap I have already read on line.
    I think it’s poor that the radiation specialist or someone hasn’t had a single written communication with me arising from my initial consultation - Not an email, letter, SMS, report, booking slip. Im sure I will get a bill promptly though 🤣 
    I will also ring the imaging centre to ask “WTF” re the alleged appointments they may or may not have made but nobody knows for sure.  A morsel of info would be great.🤔

  • Mira
    Mira Member Posts: 678
    Hi @Temple, I just remembered my radiation centre had an orientation session before treatment.  We went into a room (with other patients) and we all watched a video on how it all works and we had the opportunity to ask staff questions.  This was in a public hospital.  I wonder if the centre you go to has one of them? 
  • Temple
    Temple Member Posts: 42
    It doesn’t or else not mentioned but such a good idea. The
    communication been terrible unfortunately.
  • Mira
    Mira Member Posts: 678
    Maybe you could suggest it to them when you give them the feedback.  Give them some ideas of things that would have helped you. :smile: