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Dupuytren’s Contracture



  • Jwrenn
    Jwrenn Member Posts: 144
    Hi @LEEMA I’m wondering how you’re going after having radiation for dupuytrens? I have it as well but only got offered surgery with mine. 
  • jaynie_000
    jaynie_000 Member Posts: 2
    LEEMA said:
    hi everyone, this is my first post!  I was diagnosed with MBC (de novo) in January 2018.  Mets were found in my lungs, bones and brain.   I completed chemo June 2018 and very happy with latest scans.  Eights spots in lungs have disappeared, breast tumours have shrunk dramatically and no further changes to the brain met.  (no one seems too worried about the Mets to bones at the moment). I am currently receiving perjeta and herceptin every three weeks and taking Femara daily.

    the reason for the post is that I have just been diagnosed with Dupuytren’s Contracture - which is small ‘boney like’ lumps on the palms of my hands.  Apparently it is quite a rarity for women and the Professor is looking at the link to Femara???

    there is no cure for Dupuytren’s but as I have caught it early I will be having radiation on both palms - this cannot be done if it goes to the next level.

    Has anyone else experienced this?

    Thank you for reading.  Xx

  • jaynie_000
    jaynie_000 Member Posts: 2
    Hi LEEMA, this is my first post on this platform. I see my oncologist tomorrow, but I have developed a painful and growing nodule on my ring finger / knuckle on the underside of my palm. It’s getting larger and more painful. I am on femara since 2020 when I got diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer at age 53. 

    My first / initial diagnosis with early breast cancer was in 2009 and I was 42. I took Arimidex for 9 months but couldn’t cope with the pain in my feet. I changed to Aromasin and it ultimately dissolved my Achilles tendon. I required it to be grafted after it broke. I was on Aromasin for 6 years and gave up on AI’s due to their effect on my tendons and continued pain in my joints and feet. Fast forwards to now and I have had plantar fasciitis (pain in arch of foot) and now I’ve discovered the nodule on my palm. I can’t hold the steering wheel of my car well or open a jar with a tight lid. Any action that requires grip hurts. My oncologist has previously said that Femara can cause tendinitis so I’m ready for her to say give femara a rest for a while. But she has also told me that aromatase inhibitors essentially are the only drug that holds the cancer at bay. Because my cancer is hormone receptive. Ultimately my cancer will recognise an AI and work a way to get around it. When that happens it’s a whole new approach to treatment. So I’m not keen to go off Femara for any period of time. I will put up with side effects. 

    I live in Sydney close to the CBD. I have most of my treatment and appointments through the Mater hospital at north Sydney. I have huge trust for my onc. a professor and specialist when it come to MBC. I am keen to know how you have found the radiation treatment. Did it work? I know an excellent hand surgeon but if I can avoid surgery then I will pursue that option. And my biggest question is …Femara the cause of your Dupuytrens. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    @Daina_BCNA @Mez_BCNA @Pat_BCNA ... Could you please copy Jaynie_000's post to Newly Diagnosed, so that she gets dedicated answers to her post, Many thanks 

    @jaynie_000 - in the mean time, you might like to join the Metastatic Private Group, where only members can see any questions & answers xx. 

    I know 3 people who've had successful surgery on their Dupuytrens - and are so glad they had it done, as I understand the contractions continue 'tightening' unless rectified by surgery, sometimes resulting in losing all use of that hand  :( 

    take care

  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    I have Dupuytren's Contracture.  I've had it assessed, one to keep an eye on.  For me it is hereditary.

    From Google
    What causes Dupuytren contracture? Dupuytren contracture is believed to run in families (be hereditary). The exact cause is not known.

    Within this discussion there's a post from @JoeyLiz - that should give you comfort if you need to have radiation.

    Take care