


  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    edited July 2019
    I rang my breastcare nurse. She didn't know she was supposed to call me. My BS is not always the best at internal communications... Anyway she said the bone scan was clear, thank goodness, and that the CT report said signs of atelectasis, which is a partially collapsed or sticky lung from being under a general anaesthetic or having a chest infection. She said my BS would call me when he got back.

    He did, but says the atelectasis would have cleared up in the weeks following the surgery (over a year ago). So the rib pain remains a mystery. He did say it could be heart related. Back to the GP.

    However... I was right about the abdominal scan. They did see something. In the words of my BS, "a couple of spots on your liver". He said they were almost certainly cysts, nothing to worry about, but now that these spots have been discovered we have to investigate. They could also be haemangioma. 2.5% of the population have liver cysts (usually women & usually congenital) and 1% have haemangioma.

    My BS said this is the problem with scans and tests. They turn up things that you weren't looking for, which prompt more tests, and of course, scanxiety. He urged me not to stress.

    Ultrasound next week.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    So, cautiously...good news.  It's not the first time I've heard about liver cysts and of course you have to investigate but all good so far.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Sister Yes. Very relieved about the bones being clear. A little worried about the liver but staying calm. Just want this all cleared up so I can stop worrying, and stop the pain in my rib.
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    So now we wish you harmless cysts. It never fails to amaze how relieved we can all be about our own and others' weird lumps and appendages because they are not anything more serious!  Good luck, and best wishes for something equally benign for the rib.
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,534
    @kmakm What did the osteo say about your ribs?

  • Michele B
    Michele B Member Posts: 136
    Hi @kmakm, before i began this whole bc journey, i had a ct scan on my spine as I'd been having issues with back pain. GP rang to say he needed to see me. He said scan has shown lesions on liver and wehave to rule out cancer...scared the absolute bejesus out of me. Had  more scans, turned out of to be a couple of harmangiomas, which were completely harmless!
    Hoping for the same result for you!!
    Take care xxx

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    That's one of the loveliest about this community.  <3  Thank you @Afraser:*
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Fingers crossed @Michele B! K xox
  • Mantis
    Mantis Member Posts: 61
    I’ve had all sorts of things pop up in my scans (including multiple liver cysts) that have kept me and Dr Google busy for days. All have been relatively harmless and I hope it’s the same for you @kmakm xx
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Hope so too @Mantis, thank you. Not too stressed so far. K xox
  • Artferret
    Artferret Member Posts: 259
    Good news about your bone scan @kmakm. At least you can cross that one off. As for your liver cysts, i can say try not to worry but i know you will. Your bs sounds confident and that's the main thing. Cathxx
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Artferret Thanks Cath. K xox
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    In my waking hours I am quite calm and not especially worried about tomorrow's liver ultrasound. But two nights in a row I've dreamed of being diagnosed Stage 4... My subconcious is clearly chewing it over.

    The paperwork arrived. I must say seeing the words "Breast cancer staging" was a shock. There's something about seeing it in black and white that's startling.
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    @kmakm , They said the same thing om my last CT referral for my back.   Oh and then they popped on tumour markers on the blood tests form.   Gives you the cold shivers right? Aaagghhhh. They really should just right "history of BC"  would be much nicer me thinks.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @kezmusc Yeah, what's wrong with 'possible liver cysts'?!

    Might have something to do with the clinical coding (how the hospitals get money from the government).