Job interview



  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Fingers & toes crossed, if I could!  ;) xx
  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    Keep dreaming.  It's great to have options. 

    Well done on getting to stage 2 with the first one, and then getting another interview from another application 
  • BlackWidow
    BlackWidow Member Posts: 272
    Good news - nice to have options.  Isn't the whole employment saga so hard these days ?  All the computerized psych tests as well as several interviews - and then they only offer casual work after.  OMG.  Life used to much easier - and prospective employers used to acknowledge receipt of applications and advise if unsuccessful, none of the hanging on waiting like now.  We look forward to hearing how you both get on.
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,537
    Pfft. So much for ringing one way or another. We applied for other positions this weekend. If they say they are going to ring, then they should. 
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Too many people are total shits. Particularly when they have the power to hire and fire. It's trite to say you wouldn't want to work for them anyway. But it's probably true. MXX
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    Dear oh dear! What happened to common courtesy? 
    Best wishes 
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    things that are called common are no longer available.....

    common sense gone 
    common courtesy gone 

    etc etc 

  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Sounds promising!
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hi @Blossom1961 - good news that interviews abound for you.  If you really want one job I hope you get it.  At least getting interviews means you have what some people are wanting and that is great.  Keep us posted.
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,537
    Oh dear. Decision time. Pre BC not a problem doing this but now it is stressful. I was sitting at the table today and suddenly ahhhd REALLY loud. My poor 32 yr old daughter was quite concerned. At least I know to pack. 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    That's a little cryptic!  Are you saying you are packing because the interview was successful
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,537
    Sorry. I know this is all public so I am being careful. We have been successful. More details will follow, I promise.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    Excellent news! Hope that brings stability and satisfaction to you all
    Take care