Chemo or no chemo



  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @dada Well done making such a hard decision. What sort of chemo are you having? K xox
  • dada
    dada Member Posts: 7
     Hi @kmakm , it will be TC with 21 days cycle.

    I am preparing for the big day by cutting my hair little bit shorter today, will go to see my dentist tomorrow then head for a wig window shopping in the city. 

    Hope I will survive the first 20 mins of the cold cap. 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    I did @dada. It was the first 12 mins that were the most intense. Take all the drugs they offer you and make sure it's firmly pushed down on the top of your head.

    I had TC as well. It's no walk in the park but you'll manage. Hang in there. K xox 
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    @dada I'm sure it feels good to know your plan, now.  Good luck with the cold cap.  Ditto what @kmakm says about making sure it's firmly in contact with your whole scalp.  Re: wigs...don't rush out and buy anything if the cold caps don't work for you.  They're expensive and there's probably a wig library in Sydney somewhere that you can hire from.  I hardly wore a wig during my chemo - I found it annoying and preferred hats and scarves.  See if you can get in to a "Look Good, Feel Better" session for some tips on makeup and wigs.
  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 961
    Hi there @dada. I see you're in North West Sydney. Royal North Shore hospital have a wig library in their Cancer Centre, Not sure if you are being treated there of if they help people who are treated elsewhere. I went from sitting on my long hair to the shiny billiard ball look and never wore a wig. Used an assortment of turban style bought hats and a bunch of beanies knitted by myself, Including some pretty rude ones for when I felt especially feisty.
  • Lizzie75
    Lizzie75 Member Posts: 13
    Hi @dada I had my first round of TC chemo yesterday using the cold cap and as @kmakm said above it was the first 12 minutes that was the most uncomfortable. It wasn’t too painful for me more that it just felt super weird as your head got colder and colder. I found that the rest of my body went really cold too but that was easily alleviated by lots of lovely heat packs and about 5 blankets that the nurses kept piling onto me! They gave me two Panadol and a Valium type tablet that dissolved under my tongue before they started to try out which caps would fit me which helps take the edge off the cold cap at the start. It did take quite a few goes to find the right fit and be vocal if you think it’s not sitting quite right. I was able to eat a little bit during my chemo and drink a few hot teas along with water. It does take longer in the chair when using the cold caps as I was there for around 5.5 hours but I did nap for a bit which made it go faster plus I watched some awesomely entertaining shows like Game of Thrones on my iPad 😊 my sister was there with me too which was a big comfort and she helped wet my hair and put conditioner on my head too which is a step before they put the cold cap on.

    I know it was only my first time but I now feel heaps better about using the cold caps going into my next session in three weeks time as I know what to expect. The fear of the unknown was way worse than the treatment itself for me which is only natural. Other than being mega tired yesterday and a bit wobbly on my feet from the anti nausea meds, I was ok. This morning too, I am still just tired and only a little bit queasy so not too bad... so far!

    Good luck with your first chemo session next week and feel free to pm me as it would be nice to chat with someone who is going through chemo at the same time x
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Hey well done @Lizzie75! I agree with about the fear of the unknown, it just makes everything so much worse.

    I found I'd crash hard on about Day 4 of TC, and was no good to anyone for the following four days. But that expanded to a Day 3 crash and wipe out for seven days by the last infusion. Chemo is cumulative, so don't be hard on yourself if you don't manage as well later on. However we're all different so it may be OK for you!

    It's kinda handy to be living in the golden age of television during chemo!  K xox
  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442
    Hi @Lizzie75 Absolutely ditto to what @kmakm has just said re TC.  Don't be too hard on yourself and do what you have too to get through it. Day 3 to 4 was crash day for me until until day 10 or 11, and if later you have to take it hour by hour then so be it. You'll get through it, it's just grotty.
    Cross fingers that all goes well for you.  It's true everyone reacts differently.  I found it good to keep a day by day diary as to how I felt and what I ate which will be handy to remember for your next chemo.  Also don't suffer in silence as your pre and post chemo meds can be changed if need be to make things easier for you.  All the best and thoughts are with you. xo
  • Lizzie75
    Lizzie75 Member Posts: 13
    Thanks @kitkatb and @kmakm for your advice. I think I was just so happy that chemo yesterday wasn’t as bad as I was expecting as my mastectomy and tissue expander surgery knocked me around way more than I had imagined. It was truly terrible and hard for me to get over. Now I’m post 6 weeks from surgery and feeling good so I was thrilled to find I was able to take the cold cap ok. The cold cap was super uncomfortable until around the 12-15 minute mark but after that it was fine.

    I am being kind to myself today as after waking up feeling surprisingly pretty good I am now feeling pretty average. Taste buds have gone awol and I am feeling a lot more tired again. I’m just listening to my body and rest when I have to. I have heard the crash comes a bit later on after having chemo but I guess all I can do is wait and see how I go. I’ve never been more thankful for Netflix and Foxtel! X
  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442
    @dada Good on you for making what must of been a difficult decision.  If you have any questions just fire away. There are a lot of us who have gone through the TC chemo.  
    Wishing you all the best.  xo
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @dada TC is docetaxel (also called Taxotere) cyclophosphamide combination. I had FEC which is 5 fluorouracil (also known as 5FU) epirubicin cyclophosphamide also known as the Red Devil. It is 21 days apart x 4, an incredibly hard hitting chemo for sure. I was drug sensitive so after each infusion I was put in hospital over night and then sent home, Id be unwell til day 10 and then pick up pretty quickly. It is doable remember that. I didnt do cold cap, as Oncologist said it wouldnt be successful on the chemo, if Id had just taxol which I did 8 rounds after FEC it would have worked. I do know lots of people who have tried it, and 1 just recently but unfortunately didn't work. All the best, you will get through it. x M
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Great you came to a decision and first cycle went well. Even on my regime ACT-H I was good day after and then felt flat days 3 and 4...washed out till day 10 then pretty good after that.
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    Hello @Lizzie75
    It must be a huge relief to have completed your first cycle of chemotherapy.  Lay low and look after yourself over the next few days.  Keep up your fluids and rest up.  
  • Dory65
    Dory65 Member Posts: 323
    Hi Dada,
    I am going to have my 2nd meeting with the oncologist mid-December. I'm interested to know what made you decide to go ahead with chemo. My surgeon and radiation oncologist gave me the impression that radiotherapy and endocrine therapy were enough for my Stage 2A N0 M0 BC, but when I met the oncologist I was shocked to be told that chemo would be necessary. I opted to do the Oncotype DX. The 30 mm mucinous tumor was in the axilla/armpit, but still in breast tissue (I was told). The oncologist thinks it very odd and is having the slides re-examined in case it was outside the breast tissue. Regardless, should I just go ahead with chemo because it was in the axilla - which is not usually where BC originates? I'm confused. Has anyone else experienced a similar dilemma?