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long term herceptin for bc mets....



  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,288
    Welcome to the blog, @OspreyBy ... sorry to see you here, but there is a wealth of info here and people who ‘get it’ and able to offer support and advice in many situations.  That’s a bugger about your lungs  :( 

    where abouts are you (town or city name)?  Members may know of specific services available to your area.

    Good on you for keeping your sense of humour - god knows we need it!  We have a couple of humourous posts (including a Chrissy one) that should give you a laugh.  Feel free to add any of your own xx

    Good luck with the colonoscopy ... I had one a few months back after a bleed ... alll good.

    take care xxxx
  • OspreyBy
    OspreyBy Member Posts: 3
    Thank you Arpie for the welcome. I am glad I have joined in with this group. Gives me some comfort to know there are others out there as well. I have had contact with one other person in my home town who also has metastatic BC, I actually knew her from our childrens school and she was a great and pro active person to catch up with. I am from Bunbury WA.
  • Silba
    Silba Member Posts: 115

    Try fresh pineapple a few pieces every day works wonders in getting the piping flowing , mango works well too.

    Good Luck 
  • Merv
    Merv Member Posts: 27
    Thanks @Silba I'll give it a go. All the best.
  • Vicki White
    Vicki White Member Posts: 26
    Hi all, I have been on 3 weekly Herceptin for 8 years now, first 7 intravenously with side effects and the last 1 a sub-cut in the leg with no side effects other than a bruised leg . I have regular echo's which are good and I'm scanned every 6 months. I am very fortunate to say it hasn't spread anywhere else. Last week my Oncologist told me that I could stop it if I wanted but not sure what the future holds due to a lack of evidence and studies on Herceptin !. My husband and I talked at length about the pros and cons and decided not to stop. It is a very strange situation to be in considering I never thought id make it to 3 years let alone 8 !!!.    Is there anyone out there in the same boat as I am????
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Bloody fantastic Vicki! I would have made the same decision. If it ain't broke, don't fix it! K xox
  • Beryl C.
    Beryl C. Member Posts: 270
    Hi Vicky, scroll back to my previous post. 8yrs for me and today is no. 120. In spite of side effects (neuropathy and overall fatigue) I continue - I call it my 'insurance'.
  • Mazzi
    Mazzi Member Posts: 18
    14yrs, every 3 weeks and will continue for another 14 + At least that's the plan :) 
  • gumnut
    gumnut Member Posts: 1,153
    Dear @Mazzi, @wendy55 & @KeelyB
    Thanks so much for sharing how long you have been on herceptin. I started Herceptin and Perjeta in September and its so good to hear your stories.
    Thank you  <3