Now the waiting



  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    edited December 2018

    I had a wig throwing tantrum during my 4th chemo. Literally ripped it off my head, threw it on the floor and stamped on it. I was furious with my oncologist who had failed to inform me that I had to have a particular shot after chemo after I'd asked him, very clearly, the day before if he'd written it up.

    Oh how I hated that man--I've dealt with some absolute flogs in my time, but he took the cake. So, wig stomping, recriminatory phone calls, sedation, the whole 9 yards. They had to get one of the paramedics up to cannulate me--I was so mad that all my blood had moved to my head and no one else could find a vein...

    The oncology unit manager still treats me with kid gloves 12 years later--though she has admitted in private that she wishes she had recorded the conversation for further reference when he did similar things to other patients.

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,225
    And that is why we always recommend everyone go 'with a friend' to any of our appointments @Sister  - in cast the unexpected happens .... or the wheels totally fall off!  :(    If you'd had a buddy with you, it may not have been quite so bad for you.  I remember when you wrote it up - it was SO upsetting for us to read what you'd gone thru when it was THEIR fault!

  • LIttleBlueWren
    LIttleBlueWren Member Posts: 88
    Hi @Sweetpetal

    Wishing you all the best for next Wednesday.

    Hopefully your chemo experience will be like mine. I had AC-T, every three weeks for AC for three months and then weekly paclitaxol for twelve weeks. I felt pretty good and was able to maintain my exercise most days, although not running just walking. I painted my house and finished heaps of other projects at home. The worst was hair loss and two months post chemo I think I will lose a few fingernails. I did have a nap whenever I needed it and was really tired on two occasions.  I have been pleasantly surprised by my chemo experience, I just want you to know that it might not be awful, and if it is make sure you let the nurses know, they told me that you should not feel sick on chemo, they can give you drugs to help or change the drugs if required.

    If toilet issues arise make sure you deal with them immediately, I ate 100 grams of prunes a day (I love prunes anyway, so this was a bit of a treat for me).

    As far as tears go, well I wish I had shares in Kleenex because I cried a lot (and still do a bit). You'll hear the term 'roller-coaster' used a lot and it is very fitting to describe the emotional toll this takes on you.

    If you knit or craft we had a few of us doing that while sitting in the chair, lots of chatting if you choose, take a snooze or catch up on books or movies (I had to find a silver lining in this :) ).


  • Sweetpetal
    Sweetpetal Member Posts: 29
    @LIttleBlueWren I plan on reading ALOT  lol
  • Payne
    Payne Member Posts: 150
    Hi there @Sweetpetal,  how did your chemo go? Hope the nursing staff were very supportive x
  • Sweetpetal
    Sweetpetal Member Posts: 29
    Hey @Payne yeah the nursing staff were great. Unfortunately my partner had to go half way through due to a work snafu I bawled after he left but the nurses took care of me. Had alot of more info to take it my brain is mush. Feel a bit crappy just tired glad I dont have to go to work till monday
  • Payne
    Payne Member Posts: 150
    Rest up and take it easy for next few days @Sweetpetal.  Bummer about your partner having to leave but good nursing staff make all the difference. Get a little gentle exercise in if you can ( helps with the fatigue). Jump back on here if any concerns.
    Sue x
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Sweetpetal Drink two - three litres of water a day in the next two - three days, and flush with the lid down! K xox
  • Sweetpetal
    Sweetpetal Member Posts: 29
    One of my neighbors is cooking a curry currently making me feel I'll. 
  • Sweetpetal
    Sweetpetal Member Posts: 29
    @kmakm yep doing all that just chilling out
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Sweetpetal Good on you. Got something good to watch on tele?
  • Sweetpetal
    Sweetpetal Member Posts: 29
    @kmakm was watching haunted history. Now just reading and some random stuff on tv
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Sweetpetal Random stuff is good. I watched stupid sitcoms for months.