uke players



  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    @arpie - It's become the first (and only at this stage) song that I have committed to memory and that makes me feel so good!
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,534
    @arpie I just told my hubby that I don’t really need the G chords and the Cdim can be ignored too. He told me it would be good to include the G at least. Hmph, musos are so pedantic.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,315
    edited May 2019
    hahaha - shortcuts don't always work  .... and sadly, G is one of the more 'used chords' @Blossom1961 .... and if you do the 'easy Cdim' (just the G7 shape  up the neck one fret & just NOT play the 'G string' .... only the 3 strings you have fingers on!) It isn't too difficult to do at all!

    Are there any uke groups in your area?  It really is the best way to learn & they'll show you the correct way of doing stuff, too, as well as making new friends!   ;)  Good luck!!

    Check out The Recording on ABC this Tues night - the Newcastle Ukestra is doing a recording - it should be very interesting!  There could be up to 30 of them playing/singing!   @Sister   @kezmusc   @Romla
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,534
    @arpie The uke group here is only interested if I can play already OR willing to pay them to teach me. I am currently not earning a wage so consequently, I am teaching myself with hubby’s support. He plays guitar and so has a little knowledge.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,315
    That's a shame everyone has to start somewhere @Blossom1961 !!   Keep using your hubby's support ..... the chord shapes are the same on the guitar's 'highest' 4 strings (just with different names.)

    Most groups usually have a 'starters group' and you only progress to the 'big group' when  more confident!   Check out the Recording - you'll see how much fun their uke group is.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Try Youtube as well @Blossom1961.  But honestly, it's just practice that makes you better (although I'm still pretty rubbish).  As you get more confident with the easy chords, you can add songs with different chords, although there's some that I think I'm never likely to be able to do with the stiffness in my hands.  The strumming patterns will come later as you develop.  Try Vance Joy's Riptide (easy to find on the net) - it's simple and written for uke.