Quality of Life or Quantity they asked me?



  • j9k
    j9k Member Posts: 98
    Hi @Dawnc. I had a port put in after I developed a blood clot in my arm from 2nd chemo via cannula, BC aged 38. Best decision. 4yrs later for BC round 2, Onc opted straight for Port. It's a bit uncomfortable but much less stressful and painful to access than repeat cannulas. As someone else suggested, apply Emla (numbing) cream before accessing makes it completely painless,although it's very tolerable without. Wishing you all the best. Xx
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hi @Dawnc sounds like you've got your plan totally sorted. How wonderful not only for you but for your girls to be able to assist you in this way and know that they have the opportunity to make your treatment that bit more tolerable. Hugs to all of you and best wishes for packing, moving and then treatment. Let us know how you're going. Xx
  • Dawnc
    Dawnc Member Posts: 31
    Hi all once again. Moved into my daughter, Nolene's  home yesterday' thursday. Boy was I exhausted! Slept 2 hours that afternoon I soooooo relaxed when I was all settled. My room is amazing. My chemo has been put back to 20th June as I am to have few appointments at PA first, appointment an echo cardiac on 14th plus Bone scan same day. the Porta cath in on 18th, Then on 19th meet with medical oncologist with all results and tell me of all my plan dates apparently in blue appts book, so I can organise ambulance for through my GP. Then on 20th my first chemo herceptin & paclitaxel 3,5 hours approx. Well a week in new digs to get myself together calm down rest & be pampered by Nolene is just what Dr ordered. Lets get this year over!
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @Dawnc sorry I don't get to the main forum much these days, so glad to hear how things have panned out for you. It does sound like being with your daughter was the perfect move, and glad that things were sorted and you will start treatment soon. As I read your initial post I actually wondered whether you mentioned of your Mum and Sister? and that the question was posed in context?? As you said about how they suffered? so I did wonder maybe it wasnt quite meant as you felt. I really dont think it had anything to do with you refusing treatment at 1st diagnosis. 

    I was over treated 1st diagnosis in 2011, and I had a recurrence in the same spot in 2015 and had to have chemo then but no radiation as Id already had it. I think quality is talked about alot here on the Forum, due to the grueling treatments. It doesnt seem fair no matter how we look at it. I think we honestly make the right decisions for us at the right time. There is so much to consider and all our diagnosis and treatments are so different. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, I made decisions based on specialist opinions and they were right for me at each step...however we just dont have a crystal ball and I couldnt have known how my quality would be impacted as everyone. 

    You are in a very safe and loving place so day at a time, I think you'll do very well. Hugs Melinda xo 
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Being comfortable and supported makes such a difference, I'm pleased for you. Mxx
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    It's good to read the confidence in your posts about the move and your treatment Dawn. Have a lovely pampered week! K xox
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Well done Dawn  :)
  • MoiraC
    MoiraC Member Posts: 173
    Glad to hear it has gone well so far @Dawnc -take it easy Moira
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    All the best @Dawnc as you go thru your treatment.  xx