Stress do you think it was a factor in getting BC?



  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374

    Stress just isn't  that easy to quantify, is it? I'm constantly amazed by how much some people can survive and also how differently people react.

     I'm not very surprised that studies don't show a direct correlation at this stage. Years ago we were told that you couldn't catch cancer. Now young people are being vaccinated to help prevent some strains of the disease. Yes, I know, it isn't that simple, but it is a brave new world and we don't know what is around the corner when it comes to prevention and treatment.

    Given how shit it generally makes us feel, being stressed to the max can't be helpful from a general health perspective. Unfortunately avoiding it is  not always possible, I only hope that I can learn how to stop churning about things that have happened in the past and find a way of not getting my knickers in a twist about things that haven't--and may never--happened.

    I was lying on the floor at the end of my yoga class today surrounded by people who seem to be able to shut down and switch off. Me? Nah. It's like a hamster on a wheel inside my head--round and round, squeak, squeak, squeak. It's bloody deafening in there. If I was lying next to me in those situations I'd want to sit up and say "FFS, will you just stop that noise!"

  • Kombigirl
    Kombigirl Member Posts: 47
    To me it sounds like a lot of us girls have had quite a large degree of stress before diagnosis.
    I guess the only way to measure stress is the same way the medical profession measures pain. On a scale of 1 to 10.......
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803

    Zoffiel said:

    Stress just isn't  that easy to quantify, is it? I'm constantly amazed by how much some people can survive and also how differently people react.


    I was lying on the floor at the end of my yoga class today surrounded by people who seem to be able to shut down and switch off. Me? Nah. 



    I've decided that relaxing yoga doesn't cut it - some are into it - I guess I have too many cogs turning!