Highs and Lows ... WAVES of whacky emotions..



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited October 2017
    Love your reply Marg. I haven’t got much that’s positive from cancer either. Like you, it’s the rest of it that’s good. Great to hear you’re helping other women. I like your no fuss approach to life. I seem to have been outspoken today, which was not my intention. Must get a diary for random thoughts rather than posting them. LOL Take care x 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    @LucyE you commented you feel you have been outspoken. Hey that's what the forum is for when you have the urge. No judgment here
  • @iserbrown thank you, you are always supportive. Sometimes what I mean to say sounds different in the context of the conversation. Hope you are well. xx 
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Post them all @LucyE :)
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    @LucyE thanks for asking. I, like some on here is suffering the effects of fatigue otherwise all good. Beautiful day today and I was taken out for lunch unexpectedly. 
    Keep up your thoughts on here that's what it is all about. Take care sending you a virtual hug xx 

  • @iserbrown sounds like a perfect day out. It was sunny here today. That fatigue is never easy. Take care x
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hey @LoriB, so sorry to say Welcome, but you've come to the right place. Nothing wrong with crying, screaming, being scared shitless - all very normal reactions. And feeling very alone even when you have people supporting you is also very very normal. No matter how supportive they are they are not going through the raw panic, fear and treatment that you are and will be going through. Don't beat yourself up for having normal feelings, you will have up days and days where you wonder how your eyes can continue to produce so very many tears. I didn't use to cry much, but I think the breast cancer diagnosis unplugged my tear ducts and has left me with a legacy of welling up at the most ridiculous things. I've gone soppy!!!  :s Wishing you all the best, come here often and let us know how you are - destress with us, that's what we're here for!! Xx Cath
  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 961
    @LoriB, sending you the biggest (((cyberhug))). We are all doing this in our own unique ways, and we will all support you and cheer you on similarly. You are not alone and we care for our own. xoxo
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804

    Sending you a virtual hug xx

  • Kelly88
    Kelly88 Member Posts: 5
    Hi @LoriB,

    I am 29, and got diagnosed in July with Stage 2 Grade 3 Invasive in my right breast. I have also been given a positive BRCA1 result from gene testing and I have 1 year old son.

    I too went through so many roller coaster emotions. From numbness, to 'why me, I live a healthy life', to the feeling that you have so much support yet you just feel so alone, to how will my husband cope, how will this affect my son.

    I think the feeling of loneliness, for me anyway, comes from the fact that everybody's journey is different even when you talk to people that have had breast cancer. And unless your family or friends have had cancer, they cant possibly know how it feels looking at months, even years of treatment only to be told that you still have a 20% (maybe more) chance of other cancers in the body even if you do remove your breasts and ovaries.

    It feels like a million decisions that all need to be made at once and unfortunately you are the only one that can make them.

    I guess my only advice is that it is your decision to make and not be influence by anyone else. The decision that you make must be the right decision for you and YOU must feel comfortable with it. Not your partner, or your family.

    Here if you need to talk as it sounds like we are in similar stages. Even if you just want to talk to someone about your diagnosis and where you are at.

    Big hugs.

  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    @Kelly88 what a great honest post you just put up! 

    Welcome to the forum, a place where we are grateful that it is available to learn and share.  Hopefully you've been exploring the resource within BCNA and finding opportunities like the "Look Good Feel Better" program 
    put in your postcode to find one near you - it's free!

    Also there is the opportunity for a free holiday - the Otis Foundation
    It's great for the soul - my hubby and I took advantage last year when I was in between surgeries, oh it sure did help!

  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Hey @LoriB just wanted to say a big Hello to you!

    So much has been said already, but I think we all share the same opinion that this Forum is not just for sad people LOL, it's a fabulous place to come to vent, rant and rave and just talk things through and know without a doubt everyone here GETS IT!! and Gets You! 

    I have to agree with @Zoffiel, that everyone has a different personality disposition as to what works for them in dealing with things. I want to say also having had a recurrence, my positivity wasn't present because it was so different to the 1st diagnosis or a single diagnosis. I found it all so much harder on every level to deal with...and so we cope and get through however that may be. A Psych actually said to me that its NOT about being positive at all...its about dealing with it the way you naturally deal with everything...being true to you. There's no right or wrong at all...there's positivity in possibly things that happen around you as opposed to within whats happening with you. I had some soul destroying days and I actually gave myself permission to be upset because nobody was in my shoes or had to learn to walk again post treatment.

    Every thought and feeling is real and valid,don't discount a thing!!! just be true to you! I fall down but I get back up like everyone else and keep going. I've come such a long way so find your way of doing things...but keep talking!! because we understand...xx Melinda 

  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    Im 5 years post diagnosis.l will never forget when l was diagnosed by family bought me a puppy l already had 4 dogs and l went psyco l will never forget my daughter said l think the cancers gone to mums brain. No you go ahead l think we all have the right to feel sad for our life lost before. But you get past it and come out the other end. Xxx