Do I Need Time? First surgeon appoint today, surgery in 2 weeks!



  • fairydust
    fairydust Member Posts: 290
    @Viking1 I have tried and tried and tried to live happiy ever after with my si
  • fairydust
    fairydust Member Posts: 290
    @Viking1 Let me try again. I have tried and tried and tried to live happily ever after with my sister not easy. My sister lives interstate. We are just very diffrerent  .Your sister probably does care but has a funny way of showing it.
     I wonder if you have ever asked your sister outright what are you supposed to do to stop the cancer. 
    She may hate western medicine thats all well and good but what is a proven alternative. Does she have an answer?
    No point being at loggerheads . Anyway best wishes
  • viking1
    viking1 Member Posts: 293
    She thinks a total change of diet, maybe becoming vegan.  I'm not opposed to that unless I become anaemic. It was more the case of her proposing doing that instead of chemo, radiation and hormone treatment. I'd be happy eating healthy and doing the treatments. Today she came upstairs and apologised for her reaction and basically said all the Hollywood movies she's seen hadn't ended well. So that was a turning point! I think my niece has been talking to her about her mum in law's breast lumpectomy and chemo etc and it's sinking in that it's not Beaches! She also offered to include me in her vege dinners and take me to surgery. So, things are looking brighter! I'm very glad as really all the support I want from her is to feel that she cares and isn't cutting me off. The past few weeks of silence and avoidance were not good but I also know now if I have to, I can do it alone at home but with support here and my few good girlfriends. Both live in the country and came up this weekend to see me, so that was amazing! xx
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    @viking1 great to hear you are working it out with your sister. When I was first diagnosed with cancer my boyfriend at the time was against chemo. He said to travel instead and to use alternative therapies. I remember feeling influenced by him, but chose my own path of conventional treatment. I think his opinions were all about him and his experience of losing his mother to cancer. When he had a cancer scare a year ago he had to have a lump cut out and was considering all options! It was so different when his health and wellbeing were on the line. There's just so much advice people give you and they don't realise that it adds to the stress. Take care x
  • fairydust
    fairydust Member Posts: 290
    @viking1 happy news. I met a fellow lady while doing chemo. She was very upset one day. I asked her why and she  said she had to have blood tranfusions. She was also slim and fit.
     The reason being she was low in iron She had cut back on meat thinking it would be healthier. 
    Before all the vegans reply I am well aware that if you manage your vegan diet well this is not a problem
    As to the complex  world of sisters. Just because you are related doesnt mean you see things the same
    Looks like you are well on the way best wishes

  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @viking1 I don't have a sister, but brothers, in my experience the past 6 years, I'd have to say Loved Ones struggle because they feel helpless and just don't know what to do. Firstly, alot of their reaction is due to NO knowledge and secondly they just can't get the complexity of it. So their advice is usually uninformed and it doesn't help. What you want and need the most as you say is to just love you and be there...thats what Ive told mine over the years and if you dont understand something I'm happy to explain. I lost alot of friends, and it was the least expected stepped up and were amazing! 

    It is hard, everyone has an opinion of what you should do re: treatment. I love alternative therapies and am a Reiki Master, but they are used IN CONJUNCTION with Medicine. Nothing replaces conventional medicine, its so important that people understand that. I now eat a great diet including meat LOL, but this has zero bearing on BC or getting it again, in fact none of it makes any difference. Its all minority studies. The key only is for you to FEEL good, so whatever that looks like to you, a change in diet, exercise, meditation, anything...thats all its about. It doesn't discriminate and there is no blame in any woman of what she did or didnt do to prevent it. Big Hugs!! xoxo Melinda 
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited June 2017
    Great points Melinda, it's all about doing what's best for you.  I love alternative therapies now, massage, essential oils, plus mindfulness (great podcast meditations) and trying to eat well. I went through chemo, radio and surgery first.  It's about balance. 
  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    Hi there as primek said her2 is a fast growing cancer. You will have so much time after to do whatever, you will need to recover physicaly and emotionaly. I played the super invincible woman but wish ld been kinder to me. Im 5 years post there are good and bad days but you get there and believe me one day you will say where did that time go. Adean xx