Do I Need Time? First surgeon appoint today, surgery in 2 weeks!



  • Unicornkisses
    Unicornkisses Member Posts: 402
    Take a water bottle with a pull out top. Trying to drink from a glass even with a straw is too hard when you can't move easily. You will want to drink a lot of water to ease the sore throat from the tube, strepsils helped a bit too.
    good luck with your surgery, I hope it goes really well.
    I was surprised how quickly I healed and how little pain there was after the first few days. Panadol took care of it.
    The lymph node removal site was the most tender.
  • viking1
    viking1 Member Posts: 293
    Hiya, that sounds good advice ... but what tube? I have the bottle you mentioned...need more strepsils.  Oh dear, is it a breathing tube? Thank you!xx

  • Unicornkisses
    Unicornkisses Member Posts: 402
    Yes, the breathing tube, leaves you sore and raspy for the first day or so after surgery.
    Drinking lots of water helps.
  • viking1
    viking1 Member Posts: 293
    Oh dear. I wasn't planning on them in my ideal scenario! Lol. Good to find out now tho! Thank you. Told a friend who I'd had a few dates with but we ended up as friends. He was supportive. When I told his sister via Facebook PM (we went to Primary School together) she said best not get involved with her brother as his first wife died in a car accident and he doesn't need another wife dying on him! I was gobsmacked! I said were were going to have dinner, and that I wasn't planning on dying! (I also wasn't planning on getting married.) I am aware of all his past and this was in the 80s, and he has since married a second time and divorced. I have full empathy towards his situation and grown up kids, and am sure his first wife will be loved forever. But geez ... !!!
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Omg...guess you won't be inviting that sister to a dinner party.
  • viking1
    viking1 Member Posts: 293
    Lol no ... she's in Africa. I think I will spend less time investing in listening to her dramatic dating life! It was a bit of a shock but then some people said that this is when you find out who is there for you. I'm also blown away by other's people's kindness. I have a penfriend in her 70s in America who is battling a lung disease and breathes through a tube. She also rescues animals and is a very straightforward, hardy woman. She said if she was here she would look after me! I was so touched by the gesture...I would be better equipt to look after her! We have been corresponding only 6 months and her life is hard. How wonderful people are.  Really touched me. Meanwhile my sis is avoiding me (like I have cancer lol!) even though we are in the same house, her final words being "if you have the chemo and radiation you will die".  Harder hearing from your sister than a nitwit, but you never know ... she may just be scared.  I hope other women have good family support. Even though I thought it wouldn't matter to me, it does. 
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Of course it matters. As you say she may just be scared stupid which doesn't help you. My brother went very quiet, but kept hassling me about what colour I wanted my bathroom painted - aaaaaarrrrrgggghhhh. But that was how he was coping. When I was told clear margins after surgery he burst out sobbing and then I realised how stressed he was and was keeping it all inside. I'm crossing fingers for you that your sister is in the same category and that she snaps out if it very very soon. Xx 
  • LMK74
    LMK74 Member Posts: 795
    Aww, viking1, we are all here for you. Sorry  your  sister  isn't  being  supportive. Maybe she will come good, once all has sunk in.
  • viking1
    viking1 Member Posts: 293
    Thank you! I am so glad to be here with you! I had to laugh at your story socoda!  I'm glad it turned out well. Is your bathroom bright pink?
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    OMG!!!! @viking1, thankfully I convinced him I didn't need my bathroom painted so he left it the beautiful white that it is - phew!!!! Having said that I realise that he knows that a beautiful, hot, soaky bubble bath is my choice of relaxation but the last thing I felt like doing was arguing over it   :D xx
  • viking1
    viking1 Member Posts: 293
    I love relaxing in the bath too! I wonder how long after the lumpectomy I will be able to bath and not have to cover the wound? I rang the breast nurse today with questions and she said I'd been doing my homework! I said no, it's all the women on BCNA who are educating me - and supporting me! She was thrilled. I told her about bras and went to the the chemist to get the anaesthetic throat lozenges. I also asked if I could have a couple of weeks to get ready mentally and around the flat and she will ask the surgeon tomorrow. I still see the anaesthetist, nurse and physio tomorrow anyway. I did book a 5 night cabin on the beach up the coast in the wee hours of the morning. Hoped my dad could come too but okay to veg out on my own. I just cancelled it as really don't have the energy for the drive - 3.5hrs. Not a long one but suddenly it felt too much. Dad also couldn't go as he has a glaucoma appointment next week, which I want to take him to. He didn't seem too keen too start with so maybe tired. He's of the mind that you shouldn't drive on long weekends due to the carnage on the roads ... sigh! Seems to have forgotten we always went caravanning on long weekends as kids. I think I might be a bit short tempered with these things at the moment.  
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    And that's totally understandable to be a bit short tempered. That part of it does get better. I can totally relate to wanting to take your dad somewhere and him being reluctant. I have the same thing with my mum,  once she's in the car and we're off she has the best time but it's getting her to that point, so I reckon that could be an age thing - nice, safe and cosy at home! As for your time away check out the Otis Foundation who are a beautiful organisation who have holiday homes that they let BC patients use free of charge, for periods of time, in different states. They are excellent. Xx Cath
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    @LMK74 nope I dont feel lopsided since I am only small boobs anyway. With one breast left I can get away with going out with a loose shirt on with pockets on the front. The pocket sort of hides the missing breast but over a year past surgery I dont really care what the public or even family think of me and there will never be any reconstruction as I loathe hospitals.
    @viking1  My surgery was overnight stay and back home as well. Actually I ended up with two surgeries and both were only overnight. It is great to get back home to your own bed and i didn't have any heart troubles or anything which needed observation in hospital anyway. You can choose your friends but not your relatives and believe me I have far better friends than with blood kin. Just how life works out sometimes but your sis might come in handy especially down the track with bone broths which are supposed to be very good for you. I wish I knew how to make one myself but fortunately most of my bone aches from Tamoxifen have gone away by themselves now. Prior I used to get up feeling like a bus ran over me lol. Get in all the home help you can. Your body will thank you for the rest it brings you.
    If you are bored or if any of you lovely bc ladies feel alone and want to chat on facebook, just drop a private message to me with your friend request so I know not to delete you as spam. <3
  • LMK74
    LMK74 Member Posts: 795
    Brenda5, thanks for answering my question. Guess I'm just getting scared as only two more chemo and then surgery. Not sure yet if lumpectomy will be option unless it shrinks drastically between now and surgery. So small busted anyway it won't matter lol. I also loathe hospitals and don't think I would have reconstruction either. The sooner this shit is over the better.