Chickchat fortnightly coffee morning



  • Sheran
    Sheran Member Posts: 19
    Thanks Primek, Sheran here (the skinny grey haired one in the pic) lol.
    I think our group is pretty good. Basically we get together for a cuppa and a catch up with each other about our daily lives and 'normal stuff' - kids, jobs, hobbies etc.
    Also we are there to answer any questions newbies might have and recommend which doctor, nurse, cancer group might be helpful. We never recommend any meds as we are not medically trained, but we do give our insight into a medication if we hav had it tho.
    Have a great day
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    @bevvzy is this what you were asking me about ? 
  • Sheran
    Sheran Member Posts: 19
    Hello soldier crab bevvzy has contacted me about our group, thanks for referring, am just waiting for a reply.
    cheers Sheran
  • Sheran
    Sheran Member Posts: 19
    Our next meeting/coffee morning is Saturday 15th April, yes we know it's Easter weekend but some of us don't have family.
    We will be at Venue cafe in the Anson Street entrance to the Big W arcade between 10 & 10.30 am as usual.
    hope to see you there
  • Sheran
    Sheran Member Posts: 19
    Update the coffee morning for Easter Saturday has been cancelled the next meeting will be 29th April
  • Sheran
    Sheran Member Posts: 19
    Hello everyone ChickChat are now on Facebook and have a pamphlet that is going out to pharmacies, doctors surgeries and hopefully breast screen and Orange base hospital oncology department.
    Have a great day and hopefully we can chat to you soon
  • bevvzy
    bevvzy Member Posts: 86
    Hi sheran. Love to know when and where
  • Sheran
    Sheran Member Posts: 19
    Hi Bevvzy, sorry I missed your message.
    Our next meeting will be at Venue cafe (Anson Street entrance) 10-10.30 start, we book the big table in the arcade.
    we would love to come visit you before then if you would like? 
  • Sheran
    Sheran Member Posts: 19
    edited April 2017
    Morning everyone our group is growing in number and we are now able to make contact with newly diagnosed ladies; the most fearful time for anyone; the in-between time; which is after diagnosis and before treatment /surgery.
    The scary time when you are not sure what is going to happen and there isn't anyone to have visual contact with.
    The cancer council is great but run by volunteers and are only available during office hours...unfortunately our fears are not always good time keepers!
    We still meet every second Saturday in a local coffee shop for a get together and a laugh.
    Please give us a call or join in whenever you can.
    If you feel like a chat face to face please contact us, we would love to hear from you.
    Have a great day
  • Sheran
    Sheran Member Posts: 19
    Hello again everyone our next coffee morning is this Saturday 10am at Bissys cafe corner of Warrendine and Anson Sts in Orange NSW; we hope to see you there
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    Hi Sheran your ladies are welcome to attend any of our meetings 

    Bathurst Bosom Buddies

    Our next meeting is next Tuesday 13th June. We have Shannon Short coming to speak about exercise and BC.
    We meet from 10AM – 12 NOON AT THE BATHURST RSL. Some ladies also like to stay and share lunch at the RSL.