the hurdles we face are enough without this crap

bevvzy Member Posts: 86
it now appears there is a risk that I will not be able to have my mastectomy as I am in a wheelchair!!!! read these two links which are in our local paper today. You would all know the various, and sometimes all at once, feelings, thoughts and moods you go through, especially in the first couple of weeks of diagnosis. After I saw the surgeon and found out was to have a mastectomy, it almost took away the anxiety, I wont say I felt great about the whole idea and Im sure, as it probably is for all of you, that it may be a hard adjustment at  first. But the anxiety of not knowing had been relieved a little. Until this, see these links and read on. I hope that are shamed into doing something about it, often going so public is the only way to get anywhere, as embarrassing as it was/is


  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I hope the articles result in a better option for you Bev.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Orbost, VictoriaPosts: 0
    Always good to get informed before making any decisions. I hope that you get sorted soon. It must be a really anxious time for you. Cheers, Trace xx
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Go get 'em Bev! What bullshit! What are the ambos meant to do while you are having the scan? Stand around doing the crosswords? You can bet that if they got called away while you were still getting processed, the staff at this charming private clinic would find some way of getting you back in your chair lest you slow down the flow of funds.

     Can't comment on individual cases my arse; if you were heaping praise on them they'd be commenting their pirate hearts out. Marg.
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    Don't worry yourself, its up to everyone else to figure something out. I bet if the building was on fire they would pick you up and haul you out without a second thought. Let them whinge about it but they will come up with some solution.
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    Approach Andrew Gee 
  • bevvzy
    bevvzy Member Posts: 86
    thanks all, its a terrible thing for any disabled person that goes there, not just in the case of this test.  And yes, Zoffiel, that ambulance is not actually allowed to wait around. They PRP, would have to call them when done to come and get me, and that can take hours if they are busy, which they usually are!  As far as I know I am  on the morning list.  Being in a nursing home, although just 55, it happens a lot IE the home book an ambulance for a resident to go for a test and the ambulance does not come. The home call about the booking to be told that they were unable to come as they have been attending emergencies, that what they are for. So really I wont know until it does or does not turn up on the day, whether my planned mastectomy will even go ahead
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    edited April 2017
    @bevvzy what about community transport? To transport there and back to PRP...
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374

    Is there any way you can get a bed in the hospital the night before your surgery? Given that Orange Base is only a couple of years old I was bloody appalled at the lack of thought that went into it, so I wouldn't be at all surprised to find they can't do that.

    My Mum was in a palliative situation there 18 months ago, survived a little longer than was convenient and put me in a position I had to find enough money to get her into Gosling Creek or take her home. No palliative care unit in a major hospital? WTF? That they have to outsource scans to a company that can't cope with disability, sadly, doesn't surprise me.

  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hey Bevvzy, I reckon you've got enough in your plate without having extra added. I don't know if there are separate vehicles in Orange but NSW Health are supposed to be able to provide Non Emergency Patient transport ( 02 9685 4545) and may be able to suggest or organise something to assist. Xx Cath
  • Cate64
    Cate64 Member Posts: 446
    They have Patient Transport Services in Victoria exactly for situations like this, a non emergency that need to get to hospital or another medical appointment, they are like big mini vans & often transport more than one person at a time, though they are specifically fitted out for wheelchairs & the disabled as well.
  • bevvzy
    bevvzy Member Posts: 86

    @bevvzy what about community transport? To transport there and back to PRP...

    i tried that too, they said that they are only available for people in the community, i am in a nursing home
  • bevvzy
    bevvzy Member Posts: 86

    Zoffiel said:

    Is there any way you can get a bed in the hospital the night before your surgery? Given that Orange Base is only a couple of years old I was bloody appalled at the lack of thought that went into it, so I wouldn't be at all surprised to find they can't do that.

    My Mum was in a palliative situation there 18 months ago, survived a little longer than was convenient and put me in a position I had to find enough money to get her into Gosling Creek or take her home. No palliative care unit in a major hospital? WTF? That they have to outsource scans to a company that can't cope with disability, sadly, doesn't surprise me.

    lol funny you say gosling creek as I am in calare nursing home ie both owned by the same company.  I also called patient flow but was told patient transport is only for inpatients. So your idea might not be too bad
  • bevvzy
    bevvzy Member Posts: 86
    we only have patient transport here for inpatients, and I wont be one until I have had the test, ie admitted same day but later. I also tried community transport but apparently, if your in a nursing home, you are no longer a part of the community. How can something so bloody  simple turn into such a big issue!
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Can you be admitted and then go for the test so that you are an inpatient?
  • bevvzy
    bevvzy Member Posts: 86
    I thought of that and am hoping that it might be something the surgeon can do. Gone are the days when they will admit you the day before, so we will ahve to see if they make an exception