Back Again much fear



  • Bowie
    Bowie Member Posts: 25
    Hi to all ...l was told l could not have reconstructive because my R A would compromise it due to pending infections ...l have a good day today with my grandkids and kids ..lm up and down with positive and negative thoughts ..l won't know till wed the outcome ..l am trying to be as strong as l can but am exhausted through so much worry ..l hope you all have a great when'd and Thankyou again for your and hugs xxxx
  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 461
    Hi Bowie  gladyou caught up with family please keep incontact for chit  bcna contact for assistance 
    All in together  Bright
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Hey Bowie, Ive been following your post as to where you are at, it absolutely is difficult beyond belief and I find the worst part of it is FEAR itself. Once you have more information and know what your diagnosis is and treatment moving forward you will feel more settled believe it or not strangely as you will have some control. Traces in the lymph nodes absolutely does not mean it has traveled anywhere else. I had a recurrence at the 4yr mark in 2015 and it was only because of that they took nodes which were clear but I had to have full body scans to look for traces anywhere else, thankfully there were none. I know its so damn hard, but tackle one thing at a time try and stay in the present as you go. x Hugs Melinda