Back Again much fear

Bowie Member Posts: 25
Well hi to everyone lm back again ..As my first post l had the lumpectomies one in each breast ..My results came as a shock ..l have to have a double mastectomy now they couldn't get it all plus has gone into my lymph nodes ..Have to have bone and body scan on Monday ..l am devastated my world is spinning lm so scared l can't do anything ..l can not have reconstruction due to my R A ..l don't now how lm going to survive .


  • fairydust
    fairydust Member Posts: 290
    One day at a time. Thats how to survive. One step at a time. Coming to terms with what has to be is hard. It is the only way forward. If you have support great. If you do not have support then the health team ,surgeon ,breast care nurses etc will be with you every step of the way.I think this disease is so difficult to understand.You have done nothing to deserve this it just is..I know you have a hard road ahead. You will make it your way. I found concentrating on packing my bag for hospital,clearing fridge . Stocking the pantry and freezer helped knowing I would be out of action. My husband did a large shop with a list. Its tough .MY cancer also went into the lymph nodes. .A year of treatment means I am now cancer free. I look forward to reading your post many months down the track. Time heals and you begin a new normal.
  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 461
    Big huggs Bowie ..lots of support to follow from bcna and this wonderful caring sharing community.
    For me i chose to  have a mastectomy with no recon.and recovery was  excellent
    I hope that you have a family member or friend with you when you have the scans. 
    A possible metastatic diagnosis is so difficult to get your head around so tthe next few days keep super busy to stop the thoughts...i did lots of gardening and cleaning! Loud music too.
    You are a strong resilient person .....lots of big deep breaths kind to yourself
    All the best for next week 

  • Bowie
    Bowie Member Posts: 25
    Does getting into the lymph nodes mean it has spread to other parts 
  • Bowie
    Bowie Member Posts: 25
    edited March 2017
    My surgeon said there is a 90 percent chance it has not gone in to other parts but l am just not understanding that it has just gone from ..lumpectomy to this ..l live on my own ..lm ok sometimes and then other times l am out of control with so much fear 
  • AineG
    AineG Member Posts: 53
    Hi Bowie,
    So sorry to hear your diagnosis.  You will survive! As fairydust says, "one day at a time".  I had a double mastectomy, no reconstruction last Aug and I feel great now.  Also had spread to the nodes on my left, but thankfully no sign of spread beyond that.  
    Cancer has no logic, just work with your team for the best outcome.  We're here when you need to talk!

  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 461
    This is difficult to answer
    Not always
    Initial Breast cancer
    If you have a positive lymph node involvement the Medical oncologist will use the result along with the hormone her status of the bc type to plan the type of therapy you need
    ie sometime chemo only /sometimes both chemo and radiation

    What hormone staus were your results

    would be better if you left further questions till after you know the CT result 

  • Bowie
    Bowie Member Posts: 25
    Hi bright space ..lm not sure of the hormone status ..lm sorry but they tell me stuff and l only process some of it ..
  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 461
    I have been following posts on the american  bc sites
    If you have a positive result for the ct scan which show metastices to other sites in the body ..sometimes mastectomy is not done please get another opinion
    I know this is a crazy few days till you know

  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 461
    Please take it easy
    I have been where you are going 
    Yeh it does our head in ..but we are talking this through
    Please contact bcna to get in phone contact with their support person 
    Cup of tea? Or another question
    I will stay here for a while 
  • Bowie
    Bowie Member Posts: 25
    Thankyou so much ..but l will try and get some sleep ...l will be in touch after the scan results ..Bless you all .love and hugs xxxx
  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 461
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,322
    @Bowie My first diagnosis I had only a lumpectomy.  I also had a positive lymph node.  It is now almost 7 1/2 years since that diagnosis.  I did have a recurrence and end up having a mastectomy 18mths later, but almost 6 years since then.  Right up until  now it hasn't spread any further, so positive nodes don't always mean it has spread further. 
    Good luck with the scans.
    Paula xx
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    You have so much to take in. It's been a lot for you to process. But take heart that many many women have positive nodes and are cured of breast cancer. My niece had 10 pos nodes and 14 years on she is cancer free. 

    Many women also have mastectomies and no reconstruction and adapt to their change. Many choose not to wear a prosthesis also and learn to be comfortable in there own skin. 

    I was wondering why your RA would prevent a reconstruction though. Could you enlighten us?

    Hope things get a bit easier for you soon. Have you made contact with a breast care nurse for support or rang and sought counselling through the cancer council?  Let us know if you need contact links. 

    Are you taking a friend to the appointments?  It's hard to remember things so a friend can be useful not only for support but writing things down for you. Also any questions that pop in your head write down and take to the appointment. You tend to forget all of them once in the room otherwise. 

    Take care. Kath x

  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
     I was TNBC with nodes involved had bilateral Mastectomy and node clearance on the left .... I am Cancer free 4.5years later.... I have chosen NO reconstruction and I am happy being flat. 

  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Weekends are not good for this sort of thing, too much time to spend thinking. You will know much more after your scan, so try hard to not be alone, not to dwell on what you don't know as it won't help. A breast care nurse will be a great help.
    My cancer had spread to one lymph node and had changed type in doing so, but I am fine over 4 years on, so take heart. I had a single mastectomy with no reconstruction and no regrets.  Will be thinking of you on Monday.