Completely Rubbish.



  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    There are trials going on now @Brenda5 but the only legal use of cannabis oil at the moment is restricted to children with a very limited range of conditions.
     I take a cannabis and coconut oil infusion once a day which gives mean few hours respite. I'd take it more often but I'd be off my chop all the time which doesnt suit me. Why I can't just zone out for a couple of weeks I don't know, but I just cant bring myself to do it. OK, I'm a bit of a control freak. The version I take is an infusion, not a distillation and really helps. Great for the pain and he coconut oil is very helpful. I've had no nausea or  constipation and very little diahorrea, just terrible cramps.
    All this is a flow on from years of cranky guts, irritable bowel and food intolerance brought to a head by the chemo. I hope it will settle down but, realistically, normal wasn't great to start with. It's worse this round and I am so glad I am finished chemo. I couldn't face this again.
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    Here you go @Afraser  I love it a Cactus Dunny !!
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    Snap!! But you are much better at posting images Soldier Crab!!
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Ha @afaser & @soldiercrab. I'm going to print that out:)
  • Molly001
    Molly001 Member Posts: 419
    Sending hugs as I don't know what to say. Can't begin to imagine how you are feeling.
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Marg! Goodness! I agree with you, my gut hasnt been the same since Chemo!! and the crap thing is...its not BC that made me ill in anyway its the treatments GRRRRR!!!! So I hear you, lots of great advice from all here, have you spoken with a Dietician about it? Never ending roller coaster and it absolutely spirals you into a black hole! I try eat healthy but I also have icecream, chocolate and a glass of wine if and when I want. I deny myself NOTHING and I DON'T BELIEVE LOL that any food contributes to this journey in any way. Your nutrients is a tough one as you are trying very hard, so sounds like need some specialist help to get you to a good place with your gut?? big hugs Melinda xo