
lindabl Member Posts: 4
I was diagnosed july 2016 with stage 1 invasive ductal carcinoma, had a lumpectomy in august 2016 and was told there was no cancer in the pathology. surgeon recommended 2 yearly mammograms, I told my doctor no way as my sister was dying of cancer and I didnt want to wait that long. my sister ended up dying from her cancer and my doctor sent me for a follow up last month. that mammogram came back with something and I saw another surgeon, now I am waiting to have a second lumpectomy in 2 weeks. I am confused how I am told there is no cancer and then 6 months later I am told the cancer is still in me. It has been a hard time for me, first hearing my sister had cancer (not breast cancer) and then I get told I have breast cancer, have the operation and get told there is no cancer in my breast and now being told the lump wasnt taken out. hopefully this next surgery will remove the lump as it has done my head in the last 7 months or so


  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Well I'd be confused too. I gather that the hook wire missed the cancer and possibly picked up some sort of fatty mass...or there is now a new mass. Very confusing. I'd be asking the surgeon to explain it all and get a copy of the originial pathology. Have they done a biopsy on this one yet ?
  • RNSW
    RNSW Member Posts: 121
    So sorry to hear what you are going through. I hope everything goes well with your surgery and your recovery.  Thinking of you xo
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Cancer grows and changes, that is what makes it so scary. If the second scan shows abnormalities, go with that. Don't worry too much about why the information is now different. There are so many stories of missed, botched, misread, ignored diagnosis here it would make you weep with frustration.
    Personally, I've had two critically delayed diagnosis and there is sweet nothing I can do except be thankful I finally got to the stage where the tumours were identified. I don't even know why we say 'thankfully'. It is a weird World. No wonder you are confused, keep hammering away until you have a clearer picture.
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    Glad you aren't ignoring it this second time and willing to get to the bottom of it all. Here's hoping its not cancer this time too.
  • lindabl
    lindabl Member Posts: 4
    they couldnt put a hook wire in as my lump was 5mm and they couldnt find it last time. my new surgeon is using a machine that finds cancer cells, so fingers crossed its all gone this time. its so stressful. i have a trip planned to go back home on the central coast of nsw from my new home in tasmania and up to brisbane in july for my 50th birthday.
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Hope it goes well.
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hi @lindabl, hoping that everything goes well for you with your second lumpectomy and that you can get on to healing both in body and mind, and then get on to your celebrations!! Hugs. Xx Cath
  • wendy_h67
    wendy_h67 Member, Dragonfly Posts: 466
    Hi Linda, no wonder you have been cofused.  Just as well you went with your gut feeling and got a second opion. Hopefully this specialist will put your mind at ease and all goes well.  I didn't know you were turning 50 this year !  That makes me feel old but happy to be alive. Good luck and best wishes. Wendy h 
  • lindabl
    lindabl Member Posts: 4
    thanks guys, it really helps me be more positive about this as its been so stressful, especially with family so far away in nsw, victoria and queensland. @wendyh67 i must have mums stubbornness to of insisted on a earlier mammogram.
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @lindabl Ohhh that just seems crazy! Not sure how that could happen, glad you got a 2nd opinion. My first diagnosis 2011 I had a biopsy come back benign ummmm my Surgeon was like Im not convinced from the scans so did lumpectomy and thankfully as I had DCIS so had rads and tamoxifen for 4yrs. Unfortunately I had a recurrence in 2015 chemo. Just 9 days post mastectomy/diep flap recon. I just want to say trust your gut and most importantly find a surgeon you have faith in. Ive been with mine 6yrs now and honestly he's always been my Saviour. Always trust your gut and never settle if something doesnt feel right! Let us know how you get on :) Melinda xo