So stressed Triple neg 5cm need positive stories



  • NaturalBel
    NaturalBel Member Posts: 542
    This is 3 months later and I wanted you to know I just reached my 5th year and have been smooth sailing so far!  I hope you are handling everything ok.  I found BCNA was just awesome for the contacts I made, and the emotional support I needed.  You too may make old age ! X Bel
  • Tripple QLD
    Tripple QLD Member Posts: 18
    So update, I finished everything in November 2017 had a PET scan , mamo and ultra sound of both absent left breast and right breast around then too and got all clear and so far all is good but..... I have had to post another post on here because I have been watching my right breast closely since my periods started again in Feb2018 and have had 3 periods between 2nd Feb to mid march so my body is a little out of whack. I am unsure if this sore duct I have in my right breast is from hormones as it feel just like my first cancer did, sore! and is becoming bigger I think in just a few weeks. I am stressed all over again as I just saw onco 4weeks ago but although it was a little sore it wasn't mentioned as I just thought it was hormones back then and it felt just like all the other ducts in my breast. Tomorrow I will call and ask how I go about having some more scans or to see my onco again even tho I'm not due to see him again until July.  Fingers crossed it happens quickly and I get cleared .....please ....please ... please.... fingers crossed. 
  • Spiv1803
    Spiv1803 Member Posts: 126
    Fingers tightly crossed!!!!!!
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Best to have another check as soon as you can if only to relieve your anxiety. Best wishes
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,443
    agree with the others get it checked out and then if nothing you can relax .... 


  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    The worst bit is not knowing. Get it checked asap and then one way or another your agony will be relieved. Breathe, and hang in there. K
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,095

    from jennyss
  • Sandes
    Sandes Member Posts: 17
    I just finishing reading a book called 

    On Smaller Dogs and Larger Life Questions 

    by Kate Figes  (you can find it in Kindle) about her journey  thru Triple negative breast cancer spread thru her bones. She describes all her suffering (in her case the main issue was the physical pain due to the cancer in the bones), but also her willing to fight  the disease. She tell us about the chemo treatment  but also about all the treatments in parallel, diet and exercises. And she survived: the cancer regressed, the bones healed and she could resume her life, with a new insight and new values regarding what really is worthy in life.  The book is quite recent (was published last year) . I hope that helps you. Sandes 
  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    How are you, @Tripple QLD?
  • Tripple QLD
    Tripple QLD Member Posts: 18
    I am getting more worried about my new lump in other breast now as I have mamo and ultrasound on Friday and see the big boss of breasts surgeon also on Friday for his thoughts but I am going to reilliterate to him I want a PET or MRI or something to check me all over so I can just get on with life and stop worrying about these couple of little things but as Friday comes closer I am getting more worried that I have contralateral breast cancer in my other breast now and studies say survival when contralateral is within 2years of original primary. Anger your odds are even less favourable. I just wish they would hurry up as I just can't take all this and I soooooo want it to just be hormone pain but it like the first cancer has a vein going to it that I can see so it's extra worrisome for me. I don't think my husband Could take another blow like this but I'm sure we would make it through just for the sake of making it through as that's been our whole lives, scraping and clawing for life and every dollar just to have some form of existence but always together.  I'm sure the surgeon will say he wants to take the other breast now when they wouldn't take it in the first place and I'm not sure how I feel about having NO breasts?? I just haven't thought about it, even if it lowered the risk, I'm just not thinking that as they told me there wasn't much higher risk by having it??... something I may have to think hard on although if he says it should go then I guess it should go. At least I won't look lop sided without my prosthesis on  lol.
  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    Oh, @Tripple QLD, I'm sorry this is all still dragging on for you. I'm glad you're having the mammogram & ultrasound. Easier said than done, and probably too late, but try not to google (says she who does it all the time, lol). I'm glad to hear that you've got a supportive partner, it sounds like you have a great relationship, too. Keep on being there for each other, and remember to breath, in & out, one after another. 
    Thinking og you, sending big, warm hugs
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @Tripple QLD what a horrible, stressful situation for u - thinking of u and sending huge hugs and positive thoughts xoxox
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @TrippleQLD Oh my heart goes out to you, I can hear the desperation in your writing. I know you know this but try not to let your mind run ahead of you. Don't cross any of these bridges until you come to them. Take some deep breaths and drop your shoulders which are no doubt up round your ears.

    If it is another effing cancer, make sure you get on that dastardly Queensland reconstruction list asap.

    Do you know about the Otis Foundation? They offer people with BC free holiday houses for up to a week. Here's the link to the Queensland page, could be just the thing for you and your lovely husband.

    Hang in there love. Big bear hug, Kate
  • Spiv1803
    Spiv1803 Member Posts: 126
    Best of luck for tomorrow. Please keep us posted xx