All happening too fast



  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    edited February 2017
    I had chemo TC on Wednesday. At the moment  I can eat sugar starch and some dairy. Basically I'm down to boiled spuds and icecream... It does get better for me on about day 10. The pain is not uncommon, particularly if you are cooking a bit of a sinus thing. I like pain pills so will happily take them if I think it will make life easier. I'm on Targin to manage the joint and muscle pain and Claratin for Neulasta bone pain. You may have to contend with that next round if your white cells are really crashing. 

    Look after yourself. Sometimes chemo can be a bit inconvenient (my experience 10 years ago) sometimes it can be completely debilitating. You can't predict how you'll go and  you have to take the ride you are on. Adjust everything else around it, the cleaning will wait. Its unlikely that anyone will starve to death if you don't cook. I package the dogs dinners into takeaway containers 5 days in advance and just chuck it in the general direction of the mutt once a day.
     Keep anyone sick or sniffly away from you. Being vulnerable to infection can be handy if you are as grumpy as me--great way to keep unwanted guests away. 
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    Nacho like to encourage you I had TNBC and 6 nodes involved went thru chemo similar to your regime then radiation this week I had my 4 year review and I am happy to say no evidence of disease..(NED) so do each day or hour as you need to and stay away from newly immunized people and people who are sick in any way.