All happening too fast



  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    Wishing you well with recovery
    Take care 
  • Nacho16
    Nacho16 Member Posts: 8
    Hi ladies my surgery went well surprisingly I don't feel any pain, just dizzy from the meds but otherwise I feel fine. I'm praying that my pathology will be a good news. Again thank you for all your support. I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a very healthy new year xox
  • HelloCaroline
    HelloCaroline Member Posts: 52
    Hi Nacho16, It's great that your surgery went well. I hope your recovery goes smoothly over the next few days. Very best wishes, Caroline
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    Oh wow, you are doing great! I was as sick as a dog after my first surgery. Apparently gas and I do not get on. I imagine you have a drain which is rather icky at first but you do get used to carting it around with you. I had a bit of a cloth tie around the neck bag to hide mine and just used to hang the drain bag on the taps during my shower. Make sure you do the arm exercises as much as you can. My physio said I couldn't hurt anything doing the exercises and to go for it as much as possible. The aim is to be able to comfortably raise your arm above your head again; something that can take several weeks to happen.
    Fingers crossed your pathology results come back in a week or two with no lymph node involvement and they got to the bottom of it all in one go. You will feel an odd sensation as your nerves try to reconnect and repair themselves after surgery, rather like bugs under your skin and while an odd sensation, it is quite normal. Have a nice quiet Christmas now, well done you! <3
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Great News!!! Gosh I hope I pull up as good as you!!! I'm having a Diep Flap Recon done at the same time. Wishing you a speedy recovery! and great path results!!! Merry Christmas! x Melinda
  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    Hope you have a pain free recovery and you can enjoy Xmas, let's hope all your next news is good. Xxadean
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    Great news that surgery is done and you are feeling OK
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    Well I just lost my whole post - blasted iPhone!!!
    i completely agree with Brenda, do your exercises as often as you can. After the first 2 weeks I also made up some new ones to add to the rotation depending on where I was feeling tight.  You will need to sleep on your back for a while and it will help to surround yourself with lots of pillows and prop yourself up a bit. When you are able to lie on your right side, sleep with a very soft cushion or pillow under your left arm to stop the pressure and your arm rolling forward.
    Hold this soft pillow under your left arm when you are sitting during the day - it will lessen the nerve pain you will feel down the inside of your arm from the sentinel node biopsy.
    I hope you continue to recover well, you are off to a great start. Things are a bit different out of hospital - make sure you rest when you need to!
    Please let us know when you receive your results.  Look after yourself. Merry Christmas!
    Jane xx
  • Nacho16
    Nacho16 Member Posts: 8
    Thank you. Yes I have been doing my exercise. Mel good luck to your upcoming surgery and I wish you a speedy recovery too. You can do it!!! 

    Merry christmas ladies
  • Nacho16
    Nacho16 Member Posts: 8
    Hi all, 

    got my result yesterday and and I have triple negative bc with 5 positive lympnodes.
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Oh Nacho!  How are you feeling? Whatd next? Hugs Melinda x 
  • Nacho16
    Nacho16 Member Posts: 8
    I don't know , I feel fine for now I will find out next week schedules of my treatment etc. I am still in a positive spirit so I hope I will keep it that way
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Beautiful! Exactly one thing at a time, sounds like youre taking it in your stride! Let us know how you go x
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    I love your attitude Nacho. Hope you are healing well.  Let us know your next steps and don't forget we are here if you need us. Jane x
  • Nacho16
    Nacho16 Member Posts: 8
    Hi all,

    Havent been here for a while caught up with too many appoinyments etc, just to give you an update of my condition, I am triple negative with 5 lympnodes involved as you all know i had my left breast re moved... My ct scan and bone scan are clear ( thank god) .. 
    I started my first cycle of chemo on 1/30/17  i will have 4 cycles then 12x weekly AC then T so far so good but yesterday i had to go to emergency as my temperature gone up to 37.c and i am still in the hospital under observation my white cells were low too and i have pain on my  left jaw and gums does anyone ever experienced this? Any advise you can give me on how to get through this and things i need to avoid etc during chemo period 

    Thanks ladies