


  • rene2476
    rene2476 Member Posts: 21
    edited September 2015

    Hi Donna,  I too am like you.  On my birthday 24th August I was diagnosed.  Last Thursday I had my sentinel node and lumpectomy surgery.  Today I found out my lymph nodes are clear but I need to have further surgery next Thursday to get a 'clear margin'.  I feel like I am in a dream :(  The idea of another surgery is very very daunting.  The last three weeks have been surreal.  After this surgery we be have more results and a clearer treatment plan, but first is chemo (no idea of time frame as yet) 12 months of hercepatin (this is a new one, only found that out today ??) and 4/6 weeks of radiotherapy.  Sending you the biggest of hugs as I feel your pain xxxx


  • diohoh
    diohoh Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2015

    Hi Donna,

    i'm sorry to hear about your situation but completely understand as I am going through a similar situation. I was diagnosed on 6th August and had my lumpectomy and two lymph nodes removed on the 2nd September. I'm waiting to find out the results this Tuesday. It is exactly what you are saying. I kept saying to myself, what will happen when they find out that it is not cancer. Then my mind starts to accept it and then it doesn't again. It drives me crazy as I can't shake off the fact that I have breast cancer. I say it is like having sticky hands and you can't shake off the sticky bit. I can't shake it off in my head. I have been lucky that I have great support from my friends but unfortunately not from my siblings. I have had to accept that. I have learnt to put yourself first though. It is true to just take one day at a time but try not to let it consume you. "Says me" :) good luck with your next stage. Xx

  • Lunanoire
    Lunanoire Member Posts: 51
    edited September 2015

    I was diagnosed with Stage 2 on 7th July with a tumour 2.5cm.  When the tumour was removed, sentinel lymph node was clear however the pathology revealed whilst DCIS, it was grade 3 and I was HER2-positive.  My margins also contained some "sussed" cells so I've had to undergo a further shaving which is now clear to 1mm (my surgeon would have preferred 2mm but will let me pass).

    My treatment has gone from radiotherapy to 4 sessions of chemo starting Monday, then trastuzumab very three weeks for probably a year with another weekly chemo drug for a further 12 weeks. 

    Some days I cope, some days I don't.  I am learning to ask for assistance and to be kind to myself.  The next 12 months are going to be very rocky but what is getting me through at the moment is that fact that this treatment is largely to prevent any of this aggressive cancer ever coming back.  So I focus on that fact that I am diagnosed with Stage 2 and my lymph nodes are clear.

  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    edited September 2015

    Hi Donna, I'm in a slightly different situation. Diagnosed 22nd May this year. Having chemo first, then surgery, then radiotherapy. I'm having my 5th of 6 cycles of chemo tomorrow, & still find it quite surreal at times, like it's all happening to someone else. Maybe it will all become more real when I have surgery, I don't know.

    keep coming on this site. It's amazing the amount of support out there. 

    Take care, Lyn

  • Poco371
    Poco371 Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2015

    HI Donna,

    My diagnosis was around the same time - 12/8/15 - such a whirlwind 4wks! I completely understand!!  Hang in there  :)


  • DonnaF
    DonnaF Member Posts: 14
    edited September 2015

    Hi Rene

    i had my second surgery yesterday after asking for a week to get my head around further surgery. Taking some time out has allowed me to get my head around it and absorb a bit more of what's happening. The ' My Journey' kit has been an amazing resource and now I just have to wait for the results of this to ensure the margins are clear this time. Sending you huge hugs for your second surgery, good luck.

  • DonnaF
    DonnaF Member Posts: 14
    edited September 2015

    Second surgery yesterday, now have to wait until Monday for the results, it's the waiting that's the worst part.. Good luck with your results too.

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