Funny rash and bruising.
My background....TNBC in 2015. Had lumpectomy, sentinel nodes...5 removed all clear. Chemo 6mths and one month rads. Got through that OK. Continued with my walking, yoga and Lots of exercises. 2018 just made the 3 years, found small lump under my arm. Five weeks ago following a biopsy it showed cancer had returned surgeon…
Drained- Depressed & Struggling
Well it has been three months since I have been online so here goes. Twelve weekly sessions of chemo (Paclitaxel) plus Trastuzumab (hercepton) every three weeks just completed! Last tuesday was my last chemo (Paclitaxel) YAY! I was to start 4 weeks of radiation on 17th Sept. But was notified yesterday it will now start on…
What no one tells you about sex after cancer
I found this on Mama Mia ..... and couldn’t find a link ....
Immune System
Asking the question here as I'm hoping for a positive answer. At what point is your immune system the lowest during chemotherapy. I work in a hospital and would like to keep working for as long as possible for my mental health but I also don't want to bugger with my health. Thanks
Feeling tired and emotional...
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in September, and like most on this journey, have been on a rollercoaster of mixed scary emotions. After biopsies and surgery, I am nearly at the end of my radiation treatment, only 3 sessions to go. I have been surprised at how tired I have been this week, and it freaks me out a bit at…