Repeated eyelash loss
Finished chemo 8 months ago A few months later I lost my lashes and a week later there was a little fuzz and all back in a month. Then 2 weeks running on a Saturday I wore false eyelashes over my good lashes and they disappeared. Been behaving and yesterday as I put mascara on (which I always wear) and saw a gap geez it…
Sore Joints
Hi I was diagnosed in August 2017 at 54 after having pain in my left breast occurring between mammograms. My TNBC tumour was stage 1 grade 3 1.7cm and removed, and then had a reexicision to clear margins. 3 lymph nodes were also removed and clear. I began my first of 4 ac chemos and was really unwell with stomach…
Split nails
As a teenager my mum always told me that gelatin prevented split nails. Used it as a remedy a couple times over the past years but not being a jelly lover I usually gave up. Thought I would try it for chemo split nails but wasn't expecting much. One week later my nails have stopped splitting. Not sure if this is an old…
@wendy_h67 ....... can you help me calm down???... this abraxane thing, I need you advice.... I saw you have gone down this road a couple of times... Cate OR... can anyone else offer me some wisdom???
Hair loss and Fec D
Hi, I am going to get my hair cut short on Saturday after my Breast care Nurse and my GP suggested it. My partner seems to think I am being too presumptuous. I personally think it's less of a shock when my hair starts falling out and less messy. He said maybe your hair won't fall out. I think it's probably wishful thinking…