The Funny Things
I thought we should have a thread about things that are so absurd about survivorship they shoot right beyond being depressing and just make us laugh, and of course for the things that are just FUNNY. It might be something legitimately hilarious, maybe something upsetting that you've started laughing at for one reason or…
Digestion Issues Post Chemo
Hi everyone, just looking for some advice on how to naturally deal with digestion problems. I have been taking Somac since this whole palaver of BC started but stopped about 5 weeks ago. I find I am still going back to it at least 3 or 4 times a week again. A lot of burping and a little bloating and the last couple of days…
The Chilly Towel - wrap it around your pillow
Wound Healing after Rads and Implant
Hi All, my first post so hopefully I’m doing this right! I was diagnosed 2.5 years ago with 2cm Tumor in left breast. I had lumpectomy and Rads with my existing Breast implants kept in place as recommended by my surgeon.. As a result I ended up with very painful Grade 4 Capsular Contracture of the left breast. I lost my…
Emotional about DCIS and Potential Fatigue
I really empathise with a comment I read on this forum recently "I don't want to think of this as a big deal, but for some reason it kinda feels like a big deal." I was going to add my comments to that thread but that would have been hijacking someone else's discussion, so I thought I would start again. I was recently…