Timing of Radiation Treatment
Hi all, How long should I wait before having radiation treatment.?? Have lovely 3 week overseas trip booked prior to getting diagnosis of DCIS in left breast in Jan. Very quickly had DCIS removed - recently got the all clear. Can start radiation within 4 weeks of operation but leave for trip two weeks after radiation…
The Chilly Towel - wrap it around your pillow
I have for many years used a body pillow (very long pillow 148cm x 50cm) to help with back issues when I lie on my side. Since bc and rads, I find that my chest gets so hot with the pillow pressing up against that area. Before I started rads, I found this product called the Chilly Towel. https://chillytowel.com.au/…
Hormone therapy only
Just curious...about how many of us here have gone straight from lumpectomy (or two like me) to hormone therapy, no rads, no chemo. I was stage 1, grade 2 early stage breast cancer, no lymph node involvement. Admittedly i am part of a radiation trial (EXPERT) where i was placed randomly in the hormone therapy only group. I…
Emotional about DCIS and Potential Fatigue
I really empathise with a comment I read on this forum recently "I don't want to think of this as a big deal, but for some reason it kinda feels like a big deal." I was going to add my comments to that thread but that would have been hijacking someone else's discussion, so I thought I would start again. I was recently…
Six months post lumpectomy check-up
Hello beautiful ladies, it's been a long time since I posted a discussion on here around the time I was starting chemo. Since then I have finished chemo -while not exactly pleasant it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, and I have completed 30 rounds of radiation therapy (I was very lucky, I was only mildly pink). I…
1st Rad Appointment
My 1st Radiation tomorrow. Any tips and tricks to know??? xx
hello all, i started my 5 week course of radiation for breast cancer yesterday, and would like to try and continue my regular walking program during this time if it’s possible. I’d like to hear of others experiences of fatigue, and what it might be realistic to expect to be able to do. I’m also have a small problem finding…
Blue dye spot - having a whinge
I had my surgery in March 2018 and the blue dye spot is still shining brightly under my skin. I know this is really petty and completely trivial but it's really annoying. It's a constant daily reminder of why 2018 was such a shitty year and that even though I'm finished with active treatment and supposedly in remission,…