Feeling anxious about Letrazole and Radiation
I have been blessed with a very good GP, after a clear mammogram my GP referred me for an ultrasound due to a strong family history of cancer. At that ultrasound I was found to have a small tumour. I have recently had a wide local excision and sentinel node biopsy and yesterday I found out my margins were clear, stage 2…
Free Aloe Vera Leaf Cutting
Hi, Just a post that I have some aloe vera plants growing in my garden and they are quite big and thick. I used these every day after my radiation and I felt they helped. If any of you would like some, please feel free to PM me. I am in southeastern suburbs of Victoria. xx
Compromised Immune System
Hi everyone, just wondering whats the best practice regarding working after Radiation in the current COVID-19? I was diagnosed in Nov 2019, surgery Jan 2020 & Radiation March/April 2020. I work in a secondary school library and the last two weeks of term I’ve worked from home. When the school returns Term 2, I’m not sure…
Newly Diagnosed 18/2/2020
Hi Everyone, my name is Lois and my life got bit of a shock last week when the doctor said "It is Aggressive, Invasive Breast Cancer". The emotions went into hyper drive and I left his room and promptly threw up in his garden. Luckily, my husband was there for that much needed clean up and cuddle. My "Lump" had been there…
Unsure about radiation after complete response after chemo & surgery for triple negative bc - Help
Hello ladies I'm 26 and earlier this year I was diagnosed with local advanced triple negative breast cancer. The cancer had spread to my lymph nodes so they got me started on chemo within 2 weeks of diagnose. I completed chemo in the end of September and just did my conservation breast surgery on the 5th of November & also…
Radiation Burn Treatment
Hi Can anyone recommend anything to treat my severe radiation burns on my Breast .