1st proper bra fitting
Hi all, not sure if I should post this here or in the choosing breast reconstruction group but here goes. In March 2017 I had a double skin sparing mastectomy with immediate silicone implant reconstruction followed by 25 shots of radiotherapy to my left breast. My result was great initially but due to the radiotherapy, my…
Positives of Treatment (chemo , radiation and hormone therapy )
Hi everyone My dr has recommended chemo , radiation and hormone therapy for me. i am scared . i do know about the hair loss stuff hence cutting my hair tomorrow . Can anyone tell me of a positive experience.
Me again :) So I’ve had some pain under my Cancer boobie like blind pimple pain but twice as bad as I couldn’t wear a bra...I had a doctors appointment this afternoon as I was getting dressed I noticed the redness had now covered 3/4 of my boob. Anyway doctor tells me it’s cellulitis...the infection started in the area I…
Rapid Heartbeat
I'm only on my fourth cycle of radiation , after the last two cycles I have experienced very rapid heartbeat that lasts at least an hour or more , is this normal ?