New podcast on fatigue
Hi everyone Last night I listened to our latest podcast from Upfront about breast cancer series. I wanted to post in here in case you had missed our promotions. This edition focuses on fatigue and includes Rina, who is living with metastatic breast cancer. I think Rina and the other guests provide some really helpful and…
Rising tumour markers, and advice needed regarding breast care nurse
I am now 71/2 months along since my diagnosis, and it's been one hell of a ride. I was started on Ribociclin but it affected my liver so I had to stop that, then I was on Palbociclin which last month showed a positive response to treatment with visibility of the tumours basically undetected. Now my blood tests have shown a…
Metastatic Breast Cancer
I have just been diagnosed with Metastatic Breast Cancer & trying to come to terms with everything. Starting my first round of Chemo this coming Wednesday & feeling overwhelmed. Hopping to hear positive feedback from others who have been or are going through the same experience.
Webcast: New and emerging treatments for metastatic breast cancer 23 March 2021
Hi All, BCNA will be hosting a webcast on Tuesday 23 March about new and emerging treatments for metastatic breast cancer with Dr Nick Zdenkowski, Medical Oncologist and Kim Parish, BCNA Consumer Representative. You can find more information on the webcast or register to attend…
Dealing with unhelpful comments
Hello everyone I’m just reaching out to see if anyone has some wise words on how to deal with the less supportive people in your life. After a great day yesterday with amazing friends my in-laws decided to pay a visit. They come with their own issues and challenges which the family have grown to deal with in their own way…
Brain Mets
had a seizure on Friday get ambo to hospital, brain CT reveals one of the skull Mets is now in brain. Radiation starts tomorrow. Alternating between Panadol and Endone. Time to make end of life decisions. I be 58 in June Mind blown
Metastatic Breast Cancer & avoiding weight gain while on Letrozole ?
Metastatic Breast Cancer & avoiding weight gain while on Letrozole. Is it possible ? Has anyone been successful in losing weight that was gained while taking Letrozole ? What have you find helpful ? I have only met two other women with metastaic breast cancer who are also talking Letrozole and their response to my question…
Metastatic Breast Cancer found just by accident
Hi, I’m 58 years old & was in pretty good health when I sustained a massive bruise after just a small amount of pressure in my pelvic area. I showed a friend (nurse) who told me to go to the doctor sooner rather than later. From there my journey began. After ultrasounds, CT scans, MRI’s & about 25 vials of blood it was…