New DCIS diagnosis and surgery
Hi all, new diagnosis of DCIS in right breast (3.2cm x 2.7cm) and ADH in left breast (5.2cm). Appointment with surgeon today to let her know of my choice of treatment (bilateral mastectomy, lumpectomy/mastectomy or bilateral lumpectomy). Surgery set for 13/1/23. Anyone had similar diagnosis before? Any feedback wound be…
DCIS - Mastectomy or Lumpectomy
Hi everyone, - well here I am.... joining this amazing group of supportive women and wishing I wasn't here!! I have just been diagnosed with DCIS (2) in one breast. My mum and her mum both had BC, so there is a history. I am seeing my doctor tomorrow to get a referral for MRI and to a breast surgeon. At this stage, it…
Surgery decisions
@Sheeba original post copied from the activity section. I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast hormone positive breast cancer in august 2021. The surgeon said because of the size of my breasts in relation to the tumour, 4cm, I would need a mastectomy followed by chemotherapy and radiation or I could have chemotherapy first in…
Lumpectomy and breast reduction
Original post created by @JanJune1964 moved to its own thread in general discussion
Nerve Pain before and after surgery
Hi everyone! Before I was diagnosed back in April, I'd been experiencing nerve pain and thickening down my left side (cancer side), mainly the arm into my hand but also down my breast, ribs and into a dull ache in my leg. A few weeks after this was when I found my lump and was then diagnosed with cancer. I had a lumpectomy…
One year post surgery
I had a lumpectomy and one node removed February 2020, node all clear and good margins taken from lumpectomy, then radiation for three weeks. I have an appointment with my oncologist in 2 weeks and saw a surgeon ( not mine, I’m public so whoever was on I suppose) in December. I had to ask him if I was going to need to have…
Size comparison pre chemo vs post surgery
Hi lovely ladies! I’m a first time poster, long time stalker ;) and up to this point I’ve felt so much support just reading what you have all had to say to others that I haven’t really needed to post up till now. Its so bizarre that I don’t know any of you, yet I feel like I know so many of you. I was diagnosed 28th Sept…
Surgery tomorrow
Hi lovely ladies! I was diagnosed last week with ductal carcinoma of the left breast. What a whirlwind of emotions! Unsure if it has spread beyond the breast. Having lumpectomy surgery tomorrow & sentinel node biopsy. Very nervous & hoping it is contained!
Urgent Surgery advice
Hi everyone. I’m in need of some urgent advice about breast surgery options. I have been given two different opinions by two different surgeons and I need to decide ASAP, which to go with (surgery April 16th). I’m 36, with grade 2 & grade 1 invasive ductal carcinoma 2-3 lumps in a line at 10 O’clock(in line with underarm),…
Loss of nipple sensitivity
Hi everyone, I am wondering if anyone has experienced this problem (I am sure some of you have). I had a lumpectomy in January followed by 3 weeks of radiation in February this year. My scars have healed well and although I had quite severe cording, it has settled down now. I have some stiffness in my arm/ chest wall that…
There and Back Again
Hi All. Swings and Roundabouts. The lumpectomy was almost a month ago. Two weeks ago I went back down to Perth for the results. Good news - the 2 lymph nodes removed were clear. So no radiation treatment. Bad news - The wide margin wasn’t wide enough. There is still a couple of mm of cancerous tissue left. I’m small…