It has been a week since my surgery for the lumpectomy and node removal. Funny enough, I was not nervous. I went into surgery calm and with the attitude - I am in good hands. Surgery took a bit longer because I found out today they got a rather nasty surprise.....the lump measured 8.5 cm or 85mm instead of the 2.5 cm they…
I got my pathology results yesterday after my lumpectomy and sentinel node removal on the 24/2. I was so relieved to learn that the cancer hasn't spread to my lymph nodes, I cried when the surgeon told me! I'm still up for chemo for about 5 months though because mine is a triple negative, doing a CT and bone scan on Friday…
I was diagnosed with breast cancer on 31 January, and found out I was triple negative on 10 February. I'm scheduled to have my lump and some lymph nodes removed on 24 February, and have been told I'm up for chemo and radiation therapy. I know the radiation will be everyday for 5-6 weeks but do they usually start chemo…
I was diagnosed just before Christmas and just found out the date for lumpectomy surgery. I wondered if anyone has some advice they wish they’d been told before surgery to pass on to help me.
I have had a whirlwind of a month.Was diagnosed with grade 3,invasive and Her 2 .Had a partial mastectomy and after pathology have been asked to do chemotherapy. Waiting to see oncologist this coming week for chemotherapy plan. Wondering whether its helpful to read up as much as I can on chemotherapy and what to expect or…
I was diagnosed with high grade DCIS (3.7 cm) and I had a lumpectomy followed by 5 weeks radiation therapy. I went back for my annual mammogram this October and lo and behold, the cancer ( high grade DCIS) is back, this time 1.4cm. The doctors have recommended a mastectomy of the affected breast as they have said I cannot…
It’s been 9 months since my lumpectomy, 6 months since radiation and think I’ve found another lump 😔 I’ve been having pains in my breast over the last couple of weeks which only really started since getting back in to the gym and exercise (a month ago) GP put it down to muscle strain and I thought so too....but today I…
Hi everyone,My name is Elle, I was diagnosed with High Grade DCIS one week ago today. Since then I have seen the breast surgeon and booked in for a lumpectomy on 5.11.19 and radiation which will come a couple of months after as long as a) My genetic testing comes back okay and b) The DCIS isn't as widespread as the surgeon…
I am nearly finished 16 weeks of chemo - 8 weeks of fortnight AC and then 8 weeks of Taxol. I am also Hert 2 so started Herceptin on 26th August every 3 weeks for 48 weeks. Due to have surgery in about 20 days. I had a 4-5 cms tumor left breast which has shrunk with chemo to 1cm and nothing in between and 1cm - which…