Home from surgery Ann's staying positive
I had surgery yesterday with wide lobal excision and sentinal node biopsy. No nodes removed. I am home in less than 24hrs. The amount removed was the size of an orange. Full results next week. Doing well feeling strong but weary. Just the next waiting game for the full results. Need to keep myself positive. I am in awe of…
Breast changes
I am just wondering if I have any cause for concern or things are just normal (or as normal as they can be). I had a lumpectomy in August last year and finished rads in November. My affected boob is now slightly smaller than the other which I know can occur as a result of rads, but it is also obviously warmer than the…
recovery and life
It has been a week since my surgery for the lumpectomy and node removal. Funny enough, I was not nervous. I went into surgery calm and with the attitude - I am in good hands. Surgery took a bit longer because I found out today they got a rather nasty surprise.....the lump measured 8.5 cm or 85mm instead of the 2.5 cm they…
Pathology Results and onwards...
I got my pathology results yesterday after my lumpectomy and sentinel node removal on the 24/2. I was so relieved to learn that the cancer hasn't spread to my lymph nodes, I cried when the surgeon told me! I'm still up for chemo for about 5 months though because mine is a triple negative, doing a CT and bone scan on Friday…
Hi everybody
I was diagnosed with breast cancer on 31 January, and found out I was triple negative on 10 February. I'm scheduled to have my lump and some lymph nodes removed on 24 February, and have been told I'm up for chemo and radiation therapy. I know the radiation will be everyday for 5-6 weeks but do they usually start chemo…
Hint for surgery
I was diagnosed just before Christmas and just found out the date for lumpectomy surgery. I wondered if anyone has some advice they wish they’d been told before surgery to pass on to help me.