Hi again, happy weekend to you all. I had my Lumpectomy last Monday and feel I am recovering well. Just a question thou, I have IDC, could that have been causing Fatigue for a while as it has been growing?
Central Coast Support Lunch
The Central Coast Support Lunch group enjoyed a gorgeous sunny winter's day lunch at Wamberal Beach. Thank you for coming and generously sharing your stories and encouragement. See you at the next one 😊
I had a lumpectomy doctor said I needed a second surgery had the surgery no more nodes were positive I was very upside I healed well after 1 one the second one with drains really did my head in, finished my first chemo I am very tired hope chemo will get better
Surgery Option or Not?
Hi Everyone, I was diagnosed de novo Stage 4 with breast, lymph node and bone/spine mets in Oct 2018. I've had really good response to treatment with Letrazole/Ribociclib/Denosumab whereby the breast lesion and lymph nodes are barely visible on my last CT/Bones scans in May, they've shrunken significantly. My bone/spine…
sudden pain
had a lumpectomy last november, finished chemo - though still having 3 weekly Herceptin - finished radiotherapy 6 weeks ago and have been on Arimidex for a month. No problems and suddenly quite a bit of pain as the site of the lumpectomy. Is this normal? Should I call oncologist? Doesn't hurt as I move around and do stuff…
new to bcna
Hello all I've just joined the network. This is my status. Lumpectomy after DCIS insitu highly invasive, nuclear high grade, too small to be able to get hormone readings. Yes, I'm lucky....sort of. I now need to make the decision of radiation or skin,nipple sparing mastectomy with no radiation or chemo at this stage.. And…
Quality of life
Hello! I was diagnosed just before Xmas. I am 40. I had a lumpectomy and SLN biopsy on my right side on 18/12. Thankfully my lymph nodes are clear. I previously had breast tissue and lymph nodes removed in 2015 (left side - was clear of cancer cells) but developed the most life changing cording, which still gives me grief…
Timing of Radiation Treatment
Hi all, How long should I wait before having radiation treatment.?? Have lovely 3 week overseas trip booked prior to getting diagnosis of DCIS in left breast in Jan. Very quickly had DCIS removed - recently got the all clear. Can start radiation within 4 weeks of operation but leave for trip two weeks after radiation…