Newly diagnosed

LMW Member Posts: 32
just out of hospital after having lumpectomy on Monday. Still overwhelmed with diagnosis but going along ok 


  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Welcome to our site and glad you are home. The 1st few weeks are overwhelming and such a lot to take in. Ask anything you want. We are here to listen and support. Kath x
  • LMW
    LMW Member Posts: 32
    Thanks Kath. I see my surgeon next Thursday and he said he will have all the pathology results so we can discuss my treatment. I'm so glad I found this forum xo
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    Hi LMW, so sorry you find yourself here but welcome!  You will find so much information and support from the wonderful women and men on this forum.  All our diagnosis and treatment has been different but we've all stood in the same footprints - we get it. We can share our feelings and concerns and don't need to put on a happy face! No judgement, just understanding.
    I hope you are recovering well.  Wishing you all the best with your results.  Whatever the outcome there will always be someone here to offer guidance and share their experiences.
    Remember you are not alone!  Jane xx
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Welcome @LMW I hope you are comfortable and resting well. It is overwhelming absolutely, but you couldnt be in a better place as Kath and Jane already said, there is an army of us gals here to help in anyway we can, to talk, share some experiences or tips or just a really safe place to BE and know that you are understood in every possible way. The best to you for your results next Thursday, hope it all goes well and you ahve clear direction on your pending treatment. Hugs Melinda xo
  • LMW
    LMW Member Posts: 32
    Thank you so much for your kind words. I appreciate them so very very much xo
  • Nadi
    Nadi Member Posts: 619
    Hi LMW. I am so sorry that you found yourself here but so glad that you did. The first few weeks after surgery can be a whirlwind especially before you know what treatment you will need. Once you get your pathology results back and your treatment plan sorted things will probably settle down as you move into the next stage. I too had a lumpectomy and was sore for a while but it improved after a few weeks. Wishing you all the best for your next appointment. Please let us know how it goes.

    Sending hugs, Nadine
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    Hi LMW, good to hear you have the nasty surgery bit behind you. Now for the mopping up treatment to make sure you are cancer free, hopefully forever!
  • fairydust
    fairydust Member Posts: 290
    HI LMW. One week you are perfectly fine next week you have cancer. The doctors only want was is best for you. However at one point I asked for a few days off prior to chemo. I needed a delay to process and get my house ready for what was too come ahead. Family members were staying for a brief time. Someone else was here and life was getting chaotic. Good luck for thursday.
  • LMW
    LMW Member Posts: 32
    Yes indeed it surely is a whirlwind after diagnosis!!!! thank you so much ladies for your kind words of encouragement. You are all very sweet xoxo
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hey  @LMW Welcome. Excellent that you've already had your surgery. Don't stress too much about your pathology cause you can't change it and you'll just get yourself anxious. Instead try and use these couple of days enjoying any sunshine you can get, relaxing, recuperating and doing things that are pleasurable. Things will seem more in control once your treatment plan is put in place. Wishing you all the best, let us know how you get on. Big hug. Xx 
  • Chezz
    Chezz Member Posts: 1
    Hi LMW, know how your feeling. I just had a lumpectomy on thursday also (1st time). Waiting for my results too. Im new to this site as well. All the best for your results. Xo

  • Pammy46
    Pammy46 Member Posts: 162
    Hi LMW
    glad your surgery is over and your resting..we are all here on this journey it's crap we've all felt overwhelmed but knowing you can come on here for support anytime 
    thinking of you Pam xx
  • LMW
    LMW Member Posts: 32
    Hey Chezz hope you are not too overwhelmed and fingers crossed for your results too xo
  • LMW
    LMW Member Posts: 32
    Thanks Pam yes I'm glad I found you lovely ladies on here and look forward to learning more on this journey we are now on xo
  • LMW
    LMW Member Posts: 32
    Thanks socoda yes I'm trying to be positive cos as you say there's nothing I can do about any results. Thank you for your support xo