So sick - what do I do?

Lillian67 Member Posts: 49
im on round 2 of chemo. My little ones had the sniffles and a cough and I've picked up. Day after chemo I got a sore throat. I had my side effects and they weren't bad but as my immunity dipped down this bug has picked up. Chemo on Tuesday, by Saturday I can't get out of bed. It feels like the onset of chest infections I use to get. Tuesday I went to he dr, he gave me antibiotics to take. It's now Thursday and I still feel terrible. I have a hard cough, am awake most of the night coughing. During the day I can't stand up for more than 10 minutes without getting dizzy. My temp isn't going up so I can't take myself off to the hospital.
do I just have to ride it out? Hope that as my immunity picks up it will kick it?
or should I try to see my onc?


  • Nadi
    Nadi Member Posts: 619
    Hi Lillian sorry you are feeling this way. I would ring the chemo unit. Tell them what you are experiencing and get their advice. They might want you to come in and get checked out and could take your bloods to check your neutrophils. You have to ensure you are well. Chemo, as you know can really knock us around, and it could turn into an emergency quickly especially if your temp goes up. Good luck.
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    edited March 2017
    I agree Call the chemo unit, also get yourself some pineapple and eat it or juice it and it will help you stop coughing..
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @Lillian67 So the week of your infusion you have full immunity, its the 2nd week that it dips, they only watch for high temp which indicates infection. Chemo in general makes you feel CRAP and was my experience. The other thing is too after my first infusion I did get a chest infection and was cleared up by antibiotics. in 4.5 months this was the only time I actually got sick irrespective of low immunity. I also worked in a special school with sick kids and my Oncologist said its no problem. You can get sick from anywhere, key is to just not be around people who have something serious...the common cold etc., is fine so to speak. Id ring your Oncology dept and double check, my Nurse in charge was always available for any query. Make sure you keep panadol up! Hugs Melinda xo
  • Lillian67
    Lillian67 Member Posts: 49
    I'm smack bang in the middle of the 7-10 day period.
    my temp is now up to 37.5
    ill give the unit a call, forgot I could do that :)
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Great Idea! I think the fact youre on antibiotics even if your temp is up a bit, I think you're fine, but its the best reassurance is talking to them, so dont hesitate!! x
  • Nadi
    Nadi Member Posts: 619
    They'll give you good specialised advice. This is their stuff and they know it well.

  • Share
    Share Member Posts: 217
    Hey @Lillian67 - generally it takes a good 36-48 hours before the antibiotics kick in. Maybe check with your GP to see if they gave you a "stock-standard" broad spectrum antibiotic or if you were prescribed a "super strong" antibiotic.

    I agree with the other lovely ladies - ring the chemo ward - tell them your symptoms and how you are feeling.

    Go with your gut feeling and simply because you don't have a temp don't think you are not entitled to go to A & E. People take their kids to hospital for a bad cold !!

    Take care - Sheryl      

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Hope it went okay after calling the unit.
  • Lillian67
    Lillian67 Member Posts: 49
    Spent all day at the hospital. They ran a bunch of tests and decided that I had a virus and ok to go home and keep up with my pain meds. Yet they offered me none here.
    meanwhile I have spent from 10am to 4 here. Not offered water or food. I finally asked for panadol, 40 mins later she brings by which time I have a migraine. Change of shift and new nurse has given me something stronger.
    just waiting for hubby to pick me up. Wish I hadn't come in I feel worse than I did this morning :(
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Oh Lillian. Im so sorry!! I had a few times where I rang due to being unwell but never went in, try and keep your pain meds up and rest as much as possible, you should start to pick up soon. Theres nothing worse, I know how bad it was on Chemo. My 2nd, 3rd and 4th infusion of FEC they put me straight to hospital for 2 days each time to hydrate and get me on top before I went home. It did help but I suffered through Chemo terribly. Wishing you a better night. xo Melinda 
  • Nadi
    Nadi Member Posts: 619
    I know how shitty it feels when you think your hospital visit was a waste of time, but what if it was something of concern and you didn't go in and things went downhill fast? That's the trouble we never really know and sometimes gut feelings are wrong. A few times I thought I was fine but i wasn't and ended up in hospital for a week. One time I thought I wasn't fine and spent the day at the hospital being tested only to be sent home. I really am sorry that you had a bad time today, but I am glad that you are well enough to go home. Take care of yourself. Sending you virtual hugs and chicken soup
  • Lillian67
    Lillian67 Member Posts: 49
    Well my temp has drifted between 37.7-38.6 all night and day. Panadol only works for about an hour stopping the aches and pains. Endo just knocks me out for about 2 hours.
    i feel nauseous when I eat, but keeping up with fluids.
    i asked my hubby to get me some panadol and he came home with panadol with codeine tablets. Is this ok to use?
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    can you take Nurofen my GP suggested take one lot of Panadol then 3 hours later 1 lot of nurofen to get the temps down. 
    I cant take Nurofen so I was stuck with Panadol .... 
    the panadol with codeine should be ok and might help take the edge of the pain better. just dont take it long term as it can constipate you. 
    soldier Crab

  • kathyk16
    kathyk16 Member Posts: 5

    Lillian67 said:

    im on round 2 of chemo. My little ones had the sniffles and a cough and I've picked up. Day after chemo I got a sore throat. I had my side effects and they weren't bad but as my immunity dipped down this bug has picked up. Chemo on Tuesday, by Saturday I can't get out of bed. It feels like the onset of chest infections I use to get. Tuesday I went to he dr, he gave me antibiotics to take. It's now Thursday and I still feel terrible. I have a hard cough, am awake most of the night coughing. During the day I can't stand up for more than 10 minutes without getting dizzy. My temp isn't going up so I can't take myself off to the hospital.
    do I just have to ride it out? Hope that as my immunity picks up it will kick it?
    or should I try to see my onc?

  • kathyk16
    kathyk16 Member Posts: 5
    Hi Lillian, my advice would be to ring your chemo contact emergency number or ring your Oncologist, I did not and ended up in terribly sick and was in trouble for not going earlier especially important as you have little ones. Take care and I hope you get relief soon. Kathyx