Arm recovery help!

Marlz Member Posts: 18
edited February 2015 in Health and wellbeing
I am now almost a year after radiation and on Lyrica for nerve pain and was wondering how others cope with this pain and just how long before the pain goes away. Also I have tried stretching etc. but find that it all just aggreviates the pain . I wake with stiffness which I can deal with but then that stiffness turns into pain which gets wore during the day and sometimes all I can do to relieve the pain is lay down. I really thought I would be well over all the arm pain by now. Can anyone please help and tell me what to do? Stretch or just wait for nerves to repair?


  • Rosanna
    Rosanna Member Posts: 284
    edited March 2015

    Hi Marlz

    How are you?  Did u check with your GP, or seeking help from Physio?   Does your surgeon say anything about this?

    I had my surgery 9Dec 13, and 28Jan 14, started chemo 7Mar 14 and finished Radio early Sep 14.  I actually heal quite well prior chem.  I was Lumpectomy.   However, I start feel "pain" after all the treatment.  My surgeon and the Radio Onco said all the treatment stop the healing itself, and now it should started to heal inside, and the Radio did harm to the area and need time to go over it. 

    I've just had my mammogram and o/sound.  I talked to my GP early DEC right before his holiday about my shoulder and arm and the upper right back (my surgery side).  He told me Govt had a "care plan" (he forgot to tell me in 2014), so the care plan lady call me 2 weeks again for 2015 quota, arranging my visit to any local Physio that convenient to me.

    In fact, I've checked with a local Osteopath already in Nov, she did 20 min treatment for me.  But she said my should and back was fine, may just need 1 more treatement will do.

    I believed the surgery and treatment did harm to the internal muscle, tendants or tissues.  Some might not be able to recover.  I was thinking have to wait for my body itself to adjust and adapt the new association of the inner part.  Well the feeling not really good, esepcially it affect to my spinal and nect pain. 

    I haven't make the appt yet, and will sort that out later.

    Take care



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