Health and wellbeing

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 0
edited December 2014 in Health and wellbeing

We all know that healthy eating combined with regular exercise can improve our overall health and wellbeing, so we wanted to open up a discussion about it!

  • Introduce yourself and give us a little insight into your health and wellbeing and the goals you have set.
  • Share some tips for combating fatigue
  • What music keeps you motivated? List a couple of your favorite tracks and inspire others.

We look forward to hearing from you all.

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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2015

    Hi Deanne, Great to hear from you and thanks for sharing your tips and tricks on how you keep active and well throughout your treatment and beyond :-)

    I also like your idea for the diary! Did you have a copy of the 'Excercise and breast cancer' booklet when you were going through treatment? The booklet includes a simple template to record activity. If you dont have it you can download a copy via our website.

    PS -- 'P!nk' is one of my favorite power song singers as well. For those of you who want to listen to the song you can follow this link -

  • margiemoo
    margiemoo Member Posts: 263
    edited March 2015


    I had chemo (finished about 3months ago) and 6 weeks ago finished radiotherapy. I had put on a little bit of weight prior to my diagnosis but my partner and I generally attended the gym 3-5 times per week. During my recovery I have found it hard to excercise as I worked full time during treatment and had little energy left for anything else. Several weeks on we have resumed the gym 3-4 times per week (1hr sessions) and I am doing 15 min on the cross trainer, 20 mins on the treadmill and 30 mins on the bike. I know I feel better for it - it is a struggle after 8hrs of work but I know it will be beneficial. I eat reasonably healthy and have introduced a daily kale smoothie to increase anti cancer fighting foods. I have a drink of alcohol once per week. I used to enjoy a lovely bush walk here on the central coast about once a month but need to get more fitness to tackle all those stairs - its lovely walking along our coastline in the trees. 

    Music wise at the gym I just listen to what they have playing, on our walks the time passes talking to friends. Just generally I like music with a good beat that makes you feel happy. 

    Can't wait to get my energy back as before - but I am slowly improving.


    Marg x

  • margiemoo
    margiemoo Member Posts: 263
    edited March 2015


    I had chemo (finished about 3months ago) and 6 weeks ago finished radiotherapy. I had put on a little bit of weight prior to my diagnosis but my partner and I generally attended the gym 3-5 times per week. During my recovery I have found it hard to excercise as I worked full time during treatment and had little energy left for anything else. Several weeks on we have resumed the gym 3-4 times per week (1hr sessions) and I am doing 15 min on the cross trainer, 20 mins on the treadmill and 30 mins on the bike. I know I feel better for it - it is a struggle after 8hrs of work but I know it will be beneficial. I eat reasonably healthy and have introduced a daily kale smoothie to increase anti cancer fighting foods. I have a drink of alcohol once per week. I used to enjoy a lovely bush walk here on the central coast about once a month but need to get more fitness to tackle all those stairs - its lovely walking along our coastline in the trees. 

    Music wise at the gym I just listen to what they have playing, on our walks the time passes talking to friends. Just generally I like music with a good beat that makes you feel happy. 

    Can't wait to get my energy back as before - but I am slowly improving.


    Marg x

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2015

    Hi Robyn, Thank for sharing :-) I can't say I love excercise but once I have done it I know I feel great! So we have a sort of love hate relationship. ;-) Keep up the great work as it sounds like you feel much better for it. x

  • Marls59
    Marls59 Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2015
    I confess at 60 I have never learned to swim! When I finished radiotherapy four months ago I started to attend water aerobic classes at the nearby gym in Sandringham.

    I go three times a week and just love being in the water. The instructors are terrific and I have gone from not being able to use the weights in my affected arm (had 7 lymph nodes removed) to being able to use the same weights as all the other ladies.

    The range of movement in my arm is much improved and I am teaching myself to swim. I can't wait until I can swim a couple of laps, You will hear me roar, LOL.

    The gym also has the PINC program run by physiotherapists, as the other ladies have said, it is a subsidised program and well worth doing when going through treatment or when finished treatment.

    My motivational music is definitely the beach boys and the Beatles (now I am showing my age!).

    Thank you Daina, this is a great blog, it's terrific reading how everyone keeps fit and healthy, I have learned heaps.

  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited March 2015

    I love the 'map my walk ' app. I just put it on my phone!!!Thanks.xxxRobyn . Oh,and I forgot to mention one of my all time favourite songs.I AM WOMAN by HELEN REDDY.!!!!!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2015

    Hi margiemoo, I bet you were happy to see the back of chemo and radio! It sounds like you are getting some of that energy back already and before long I'm sure you will be back enjoying your bush walks. Keep it up :-) ~ Daina

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2015

    I use the 'RunKeeper' app

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2015

    Hi Marls, I know - it's been great to see the range of ways people keep fit and healthy. There are some great water programs out there and it sounds like you have found one perfect for you! Are you doing the Encore pool based program?

    If you are talking about things to show your age.....Did you see the post from Steph about 'Dance like no one is watching'? Have a look at some of the old dance moves on this video, it is good for a laugh --

  • Jo Horne
    Jo Horne Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2015
    Hi all,
    I am really loving and appreciating the supporting and motivational text from BCNA - they always pop up when I really need it. So encouraging :-) thanks BCNA
  • Sammii
    Sammii Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2015
    Hi, I was diagnosed in November 2014 with early Breast Cancer. Ihave had a masectomy and lymph node removal on the right side. Prior to my diagnosis I had just achieved my goal of running 8 ks ( as part of the pink fun run!) and was looking towards a 10 k goal. My diagnosis has certainly put that goal on the back burner but not for ever. I am half way through chemo and have radiation to follow. I am starting each day with a super veg and fruit smoothy and replacing processed foods with healthy home made alternatives. I am trying to equip my body for the battle. I walk most days even if it is only a short beach walk during the first week after chemo. I find when I am feeling most fatigued a short walk around the garden peps me up, sometimes though I need reminding. I am very lucky to have support from family and friends to keep me motivated and positive. I listen to any songs I can sing too, I like a lot of Queen and ABBA...
  • Jo Horne
    Jo Horne Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2015
    Hi Sammii
    So good to hear you are still getting a bit of exercise in. I was smiling when you mentioned you loved ABBA - you must be of my vintage! Ha ha.
    Just wanted to encourage you on your journey and wish you well. You have done so much already and I can sense your positive spirit in your post - keep on it and enjoy the ABBA nothing like singing a bit of Waterloo and mamma Mia at the top of your lungs to get you going. All the best Jo ;-)

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