Book Idea

JJoy Member Posts: 350
edited November 2011 in General discussion

Dear ladies - on my recent blog 'Flustered - Who Me?' It came about that it was suggested we should all put our thoughts/experiences/ideas etc into a book - Now this came about as yours truly has being making a seriously valiant attempt at humour re our 'united' situations - as a result, many of you ladies have a wonderful and delightful sense of humour and have related some really good stories - it has made us all have a laugh, and I think the old adage of 'laughter is the best medicine' really rings true - so let me know if you are interested - you can message me, and I can let you know my emai - if you want to participate - have a think, it may eventuate to nothing, alternately who knows we could not only come up with a great outlet, but provide hope and inspiration to others along the way.  Oh and by the way - we are looking for a title, we have one little beauty but I want to hear from other ladies as well - Cheers to all, hugs J



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  • Christine Denniss
    Christine Denniss Member Posts: 216
    edited March 2015

    Hi Josie, I was thinking last night what really annoyed me about what people say to you once they know you have breast cancer. Besides the usual of "Stay Positive", "Be strong", "You will be fine".

    When I went back to work for a few hours in between chemos, everyone would ask me, "How are you Chrissy?". You are looking well. I would smile and answer, " I'm fine and dandy, thanks for asking". But thinking I feel like i had been run over by a double decker bus. I dont look well at all, I look like I swallowed a whole cow and bald as ghandi.  Now why did I do that? Why didnt I say how I really felt? Did I want to make them feel good? Did I just want them to leave me alone and go away so I could do my job and go home? My attitude to work had changed since being diagnosed and I just wanted to do my job and go ASAP.  Does anyone else feel like that?

    So now when I go to work and I'm asked, how I am and I'm looking well, I tell them the truth and the looks on their face is amazing, as they are horified and run off as fast as they can. I figure if they cant handle the truth why ask.

    Anyone else have an little stories...maybe funny ones would be good. Like How we look like pirates with our bandanna's on and the reaction you get while shopping from the little kids.

    Chrissy D :) xoxo

  • JJoy
    JJoy Member Posts: 350
    edited March 2015

    Hi Louise, thank you for responding to the blog - I would love to hear your story and I have another lady 'really interested' - it's a start isn't it. x x x Cheers Josie

  • JJoy
    JJoy Member Posts: 350
    edited March 2015

    I will get right to it! x

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Hi Josie,

    Sorry to hear that your get up and go got up and went.Don't expect to get your mojo back until well after chemo stops.Hey,you look kinda cute in your scarf.  I think a book or booklet is still a good idea.Here are some titles(and I'm sure I'll think of more-I'm full of it!!) "cancer conversations","cancer humour"."bald and the beautiful". I had a funny story I told about my nephew- see my blog"karate look".Tactless remarks(also a good title!!) include- "you should get the other breast lopped off too incase cancer comes back".'How's your hair going under that scarf?""Gee,it's dark and curly,you look so different"And  a new one from the radiogragher who did my mammo yesterday "you know you should have had a mastectomy in the first place 7yrs ago."

    Well I'm sure I'll remember more but that's for starters.How are you travelling with the chemo Josie?I found it pretty awful-what a sook I was.

                                luv Tonya xx

  • JJoy
    JJoy Member Posts: 350
    edited March 2015

    I love 'The Bald and Beautiful' - cracked me up totally! - I am pretty sold on that title!  Also 'Tactless Remarks' is pretty good - and boy don't we cop them! As you probably remember I think my most classic one is "Dont let this thing take over your life" .......spoken by a true ignoramous!  I wore a 'beanie' under the scarf - otherwise it would have looked really flat!  Love your comments, cheers Josie


  • kay
    kay Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2015

    I understand how your get up and go, got up and went. I think it's a good idea about the book. I was told just get it taken of, they're no use to you. I thought they are not the ones going through this. and your hair will grow back,it's only hair, but I was devestated, especially before my daughters wedding. Actually it turned out the wig looked better than my own hair.  At Christmas time we had a family reunion with my husbands family. I kept my wig on when I knew photographs were being taken. I did have some hair but it was short. It was raining where we were camped and I was coming back across to our camper trailer with my umbrella, when it somehow got hooked in my wig and pulled it up. I just picked it up and started laughing and thought that would be funny, on funniest home videos. When I was visiting my daughter in January, I went without my wig and I went into some dressing rooms. There was a big mirror on the side wall when I went in. I got a fright by this person, but looked and found out it was me, a little grey haired lady. :-) I had to laugh at that as well.



  • Wendy Stip
    Wendy Stip Member Posts: 57
    edited March 2015

    Love the idea of a book of funny stories. I've found through my ordeal that if I don't laugh, I'll cry. Much easier to laugh & see the humerous side of it all. At the moment I'm dealing with cankles as my ankles seem to have disappeared & my feet are so sore. I'm tottering about like an 80 year old woman with weepy eyes just to add to the misery When I wear a turban, I feel like I should have some curlers under there as well to add to the look, but have no hair to attach them to. Finished the chemo, just have to get over it now. Wendy

  • hb
    hb Member Posts: 112
    edited March 2015

    I'm interested in contributing, too -- but like you I'm a bit here n there at the moment. (Hence just catching up with posts more than a week old.... hmmm.) I *love* "The bald and the beautiful", that made me laugh.

    Can't think exactly what I could contribute, but it'd probably be a kind of 'grumpy old woman' response to the relentless cheerfulness and positivity we're all supposed to embody.

    Hope your mojo comes back soon.

    Heather x

  • JJoy
    JJoy Member Posts: 350
    edited March 2015

    Oh dear, my 'mojo' took flight yesterday! I really had the 'sads' - I refused to get on Facebook because I figured if my children can't muster up the energy to phone me for Mother's Day, then don't bother - I was really down in the dumps when one of my children rang - it perked me up somewhat, I guess two out of five kids contacting me on Mother's Day was something better than nothing - I also came to the enlightening decision that I don't like Mother's day at all! Especially as my Mother passed away two years ago and I miss her terribly - my children are spread all over the country and so you can imagine my husband spent a fair bit of time 'trying to cheer me up' poor fellow - he bought me a present, he said "It is the most 'unromantic' present I have bought you" as he sheepishly handed it to me - it turned out to be a fluffy pair of slippers - I took one look at then and burst into tears - Oh goodness me! - at least I will be a 'warm slob' I said to him hiccupping through my tears - I feel so 'ugly' I cried!  Poor man was wringing his hands in dispair as he offered to return them to the store - so I made myself wear them around all day to try and reassure him that I was grateful and not really a monster! x x x 

  • JJoy
    JJoy Member Posts: 350
    edited March 2015

    Oh dear, my 'mojo' took flight yesterday! I really had the 'sads' - I refused to get on Facebook because I figured if my children can't muster up the energy to phone me for Mother's Day, then don't bother - I was really down in the dumps when one of my children rang - it perked me up somewhat, I guess two out of five kids contacting me on Mother's Day was something better than nothing - I also came to the enlightening decision that I don't like Mother's day at all! Especially as my Mother passed away two years ago and I miss her terribly - my children are spread all over the country and so you can imagine my husband spent a fair bit of time 'trying to cheer me up' poor fellow - he bought me a present, he said "It is the most 'unromantic' present I have bought you" as he sheepishly handed it to me - it turned out to be a fluffy pair of slippers - I took one look at then and burst into tears - Oh goodness me! - at least I will be a 'warm slob' I said to him hiccupping through my tears - I feel so 'ugly' I cried!  Poor man was wringing his hands in dispair as he offered to return them to the store - so I made myself wear them around all day to try and reassure him that I was grateful and not really a monster! x x x 

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Hi Josie,sorry to hear your mother's day was a boo hoo day.It's only been 2yrs since  you lost your mum and you're having chemo so it would be sad for you. 3 out of 5 of your kids need a nudge but what can you do.They are adults now so you are done with bringing them up.My hubby gave me a box of chocolates- just what I need-more kilos! I'm prepared to do an exchange with your slippers.I bet you look damn cute in that scarf and fluffy slippers!!-shame about the red eyes! Hope today was better for you'.

                                                 Tonya xx

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Hi Josie,sorry to hear your mother's day was a boo hoo day.It's only been 2yrs since  you lost your mum and you're having chemo so it would be sad for you. 3 out of 5 of your kids need a nudge but what can you do.They are adults now so you are done with bringing them up.My hubby gave me a box of chocolates- just what I need-more kilos! I'm prepared to do an exchange with your slippers.I bet you look damn cute in that scarf and fluffy slippers!!-shame about the red eyes! Hope today was better for you'.

                                                 Tonya xx

  • JJoy
    JJoy Member Posts: 350
    edited March 2015

    Mmmmmm - I haven't taken them off (er, the slippers)... (exept to go to the hospital today - oh and to bed) but other than that they have stayed on!  Another of my children rang tonight, and wanted to know why I wasn't on the computer yesterday - we had a good talk, poor kid cried, I felt really bad - so I told her how I felt, and all I wanted was for her to talk to me 'normal' - normal is good, normal keeps one sane - she got it in the end and I wished I could hug her - that's 3 out of 5! pretty good I am thinking!

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