I got a job! :-)

yetbeung Member Posts: 167
edited September 2014 in Health and wellbeing

So I can happily report that I got a full-time, permenent job ...starting Monday! Eek! and Woohoo!

On one hand I'm thrilled that I can FINALLY be out earning money again. And some new work colleagues and social interaction will be good too...

On the other hand I'm a bit nervous that it's full time, as I have not told them I had cancer, so if for some reason I'm not able to handle the workload etc. I guess I'll have to fess up! 

I had to buy a whole new wardrobe of work clothes as I was too fat to fit into my old ones from November last year...that was a bit embarassing! I have decided to start Lite n Easy once I get my first pay. I'm now 10kg heavier than when I first started chemo, & I'm starting to feel it! 

I had my first haircut today since chemo...I now remember part of why I loved being bald! $70 later I have a nice style that now looks like it was meant to be that way, not just a mess of pubic curls! lol

I't feels good to be employed on my merits, fingers crossed I can prove that they made the right decision! And I guess I should feel lucky that I got a permenent role, as it all seems to be contract or casual these days! 

Hope everyone is as well as they can be :-)

from Bobbie

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  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited March 2015
    Oh my gosh,how exciting! You are going to be just fine because you have been wanting this for ages!!!!!I laughed about the hair too.Mine is really curly,wavy,anything but straight!! I hope that everything goes really well for you Bobbie.As you know,I have always admired your energy and attitude,right throughout your treatment.Keep in touch,as I would love to know how you get on. Cheers Robyn
  • Viv_C
    Viv_C Member Posts: 92
    edited March 2015
    Hey Bobbie, that's great news, permanent jobs are hard to get these days. Don't be worried if you find work tough for the first few weeks, it is hard jumping back to full time after months out of the workplace, but you will most likely be fine after a couple of weeks. Love to see a pic of 'working Bobbie' with new clothes and hair. Best wishes, Viv
  • Viv_C
    Viv_C Member Posts: 92
    edited March 2015
    Hey Bobbie, that's great news, permanent jobs are hard to get these days. Don't be worried if you find work tough for the first few weeks, it is hard jumping back to full time after months out of the workplace, but you will most likely be fine after a couple of weeks. Love to see a pic of 'working Bobbie' with new clothes and hair. Best wishes, Viv
  • NarelleD
    NarelleD Member Posts: 57
    edited March 2015

    Congratulations...I have been back at my job 6 hour days 5 days a week for the past month and I can tell you that it beats sitting at home thinking about things that are beyond our control, or at least I was doing that.  I find work takes my mind off things.  Take your time to learn who you can trust in your workplace and if you need to talk about your cancer do so with someone that can be trusted.  Personally I have returned to my old job so know I have the support at work. I am sure you will have the support there too.  Good luck with returning to work it is a big step but one well worth taking.

  • Liztay82
    Liztay82 Member Posts: 213
    edited March 2015
    Congratulations hope ure first day is filled with fun I, so looking forward to returning to work I'm so not a stay at home person
  • AnneD
    AnneD Member Posts: 28
    edited March 2015
    Congratulations to you! Maybe you'll feel a bit tired going back to full time and long days but I think you'll adjust pretty quickly too. Have fun and enjoy the new role xo
  • Hazel M
    Hazel M Member Posts: 708
    edited March 2015

    Congrats on finding a job, bonus that it's full time too. I wouldn't bring up the cancer word unless you have to either. You must of been the best applicant and earned the job on merit. Hope it all goes well for you and I wouldn't mind seeing a photo of the business Bobbie as well, take care, 

    Hazel xx

  • Silks
    Silks Member Posts: 79
    edited March 2015
    Fantastic news, congratulations. And full- time permanent to boot!
    You are strong and positive and you will slide back into a routine quickly.
    Enjoy your new job and stay in touch.
    xx Silke
    SHAZZA M Member Posts: 10
    edited March 2015

    Congratulations on your new job, that is so good to be on another path of your journey, it will be great to get back to being "normal" again.  

    All the best for Monday.

    Sharon xx

    SHAZZA M Member Posts: 10
    edited March 2015

    Congratulations on your new job, that is so good to be on another path of your journey, it will be great to get back to being "normal" again.  

    All the best for Monday.

    Sharon xx

  • Silks
    Silks Member Posts: 79
    edited March 2015
    Here it is! Monday morning. Best of luck!!!
    I hope your day doesn't feel long at all and you enjoy it.
    Hope to hear from you soon
    xx Silke
  • yetbeung
    yetbeung Member Posts: 167
    edited March 2015
    Sitting on the tram, heading in to my 1st day...it goes down the same street as the hospital l did radiation, & out of habit l stood up to get off there :-) felt nice to go past without having to get off.

    Didn't have time to get a photo but will take one this afternoon, lets see how l'm looking AFTER the first day!

    Thanks for all the nice comments, this site sometimes gives you the virtual "shoulder to cry on", but also the irtual "cheer squad" ! Love it!
    Thanks again! :-)
  • Karen_C
    Karen_C Member Posts: 93
    edited March 2015

    Hip Hip Horray!!!   You go girl.   Enjoy the day and I'm sure it will only take a bit of time to get into the groove and your on your way to a new phase in your life.

    Hope it all works out so well for you.   Earlier I said don't declare your disease but I know you now have a inner strength that others don't because of it.  This is one of the benefits of facing life in the face.

    Live life, love life.

    Karen Cowley




  • joanned
    joanned Member Posts: 35
    edited March 2015


    Hi Bobbie,

    I hope you have an amazing first week back at work. You should be so proud of how far you have come and what you have accomplished.

    I am just about to finish radiation and have to now start thinking about looking for a new job. There is part of me that is so looking forward to getting back out there but there is also the fear of how I will go in an interview and in a new work environment. Would love to hear from you and anyone else on how you dealt with all this and any advice you may have. My hair is only just coming back so wearing a wig is still a necessity for a while even though I prefer a la natural :) 

    Have a great week

    Joanne D


  • joanned
    joanned Member Posts: 35
    edited March 2015


    Hi Bobbie,

    I hope you have an amazing first week back at work. You should be so proud of how far you have come and what you have accomplished.

    I am just about to finish radiation and have to now start thinking about looking for a new job. There is part of me that is so looking forward to getting back out there but there is also the fear of how I will go in an interview and in a new work environment. Would love to hear from you and anyone else on how you dealt with all this and any advice you may have. My hair is only just coming back so wearing a wig is still a necessity for a while even though I prefer a la natural :) 

    Have a great week

    Joanne D


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